The greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its youth. Today's teenagers will be tomorrow's politicians and influential business leaders, that is why it is interesting to find out what makes an ideal teenage citizen.
First of all, they should know their mother tongue perfectly and speak at least one foreign language fluently. It is also important for them to know the world history and the history of their country. Besides, they should understand what globalization is and how it should be done in order to use its benefits and avoid negative phenomena that are brought by globalization. Next, teenage citizens should know well their rights, such as the right to life and freedom from all forms of cruelty and violence, the right to education. They should also remember about their responsibilities, for instance, they must obey their parents, study at school, follow the rules of conduct, take care of their health and protect the environment. Another important thing is to be interested in politics and be concerned about the state of their country. Unfortunately, most teens today have no interest in politics. Teenagers should take an active part in school life and participate in different conferences and sport competitions. It is a great opportunity for them to practise social skills and gain confidence. Finally, young citizens should be able to take responsibility and participate in joint decision-making.
2.I like to draw frogs
3It eats insects
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