Territory "Territorial influence" of an institution can extend to the entire city or to a specific area. It is necessary to determine in an extremely objective way the territory from which the target audience will arrive at the institution: from which districts of the city, from which streets and even houses. Objectivity consists in realistically assessing the possibility and desire of the potential audience to spend certain time and energy on get to a restaurant (cafe, bar, fast food, etc.). For example, a restaurant located on the outskirts cannot count on an audience living or working on the other side of the city, unless, of course, it is exclusive, special for its segment. Having determined the territorial aura of the restaurant's "influence", it is possible to identify the target audience, to determine for what purpose it is in the given area (lives, works, studies, walks, makes purchases, visits attractions, drives by to another area of the city or another city, etc.) .d.