My favorite gadget is a computer. He is able to help me in various situations. If I do my homework, I use it to find different information on different topics. I regularly listen to the news and find out the weather forecast. I send e-mails to my friends and receive e-mails from them. In Some Cases, I listen to music on My favorite YouTube portal or watch a movie on the Internet. Also, in the end, if I have free time, I play computer games. Therefore, it can help us both to learn better and to relax.
Мои любимый гаджет-это компьютер. Он посодействовать мне во различных ситуациях. Если я делаю домашнюю работу я применяю его, для того чтобы отыскать разную информацию по различным темам. Я регулярно слушаю новости также узнаю прогноз погоды. Я отсылаю электронные послания своим товарищам также получаю электронные сообщения от них. В Некоторых Случаях, я слушаю музыку в моем любимом портале YouTube или смотрю фильм в интернете. Также, в конечном итоге, если у меня имеется свободное время, я играю в компьюторные игры. Поэтому он может нам и, для того чтобы лучше обучаться, и для того чтобы отдохнуть.
1. Air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, soil pollution
2. I think that water pollution is the most important part of the environment, because everything on our planet can live only with water, and water is limited. If all water will be poisoned, what will we use to continue our exition
3. If I`ll go to the picnic with my friends, and they will want to leave the trash in the park or in the forest, I`ll stop them or if they will not agree with my opinion, I`ll take and throw it away
4. To increase the awareness about the awareness about environmental pollution we need to warn people by making social advertisment and we need to show results of pollution on our Earth.
My mom cook my favourite food.
I am doing my homework now.
At the weekends my family usually go to the shops.
It is raining today.
There five apples on the table.
My kittens are very nice.
We will go cycling tomorrow.
My parents are busy today.
On celebrations we usually dress up.