Тяйни выбрать одежду для холодной погоды выпешите нужные слова a dress,boots,a skirt,an nmdrella, shoes,a cap, a hat, a t-shirt, jeans, a jacket, a coat и так далее зарание
1. Туризм-это путешествие с различными целями. 2.Туризм стал одной из лидирующих отросли экономики. 3. Туристы -это люди, путешествие за приделы своеого города или деревни более чем на 1 сутки. 4.Слово турист происходит из греческого и латинского языка. 5.Мировым лидером по количеству прибывших Туристов и Франция является Испания. 6. Богатые люди путешествуют всегда. 7.Иногда отросль испытывала упадок. 8.Главным курортом Франции является Ницца. 9.туризм -это развлечение и бизнес. 1. Turizm-eto puteshestviye s razlichnymi tselyami. 2.Turizm stal odnoy iz lidiruyushchikh otrosli ekonomiki. 3. Turisty -eto lyudi, puteshestviye za pridely svoyeogo goroda ili derevni boleye chem na 1 sutki. 4.Slovo turist proiskhodit iz grecheskogo i latinskogo yazyka. 5.Mirovym liderom po kolichestvu pribyvshikh Turistov i Frantsiya yavlyayetsya Ispaniya. 6. Bogatyye lyudi puteshestvuyut vsegda. 7.Inogda otrosl' ispytyvala upadok. 8.Glavnym kurortom Frantsii yavlyayetsya Nitstsa. 9.turizm -eto razvlecheniye i biznes.
Today everywhere used the English language, business, travel, science, education, Internet, movies. English brings people together and helps to gain knowledge of the great sources of information. However, some people are of the opinion that the process of learning this language is quite complex and fraught with difficulties. But others believe that currently, there are many easy ways of learning foreign languages in our native country.• Travel in English-speaking countries is perhaps the most natural and enjoyable way to learn the language. The longer the journey and the less it depends on the tour operators and guides, the more language practice. Watch lectures, movies, series and cartoons in English - this method is for those who loves to communicate with people, but loves to watch movies. Thus will not only learn the language, but also to listen to smart people, to broaden their knowledge about the world, observe the skill of the foreign writers and Directors, and just relax without feeling like time wasted.