Ну вот например Кремль
The Kremlin is a fortified complex in the centre of Moscow. It is the main political and historical place of the city.
The walls of the Kremlin are made in the form of an irregular triangle. The Troitskaya Tower is the tallest tower of the Kremlin. Its height is 80 metres. The Spasskaya Tower features the clock which is known as the Kremlin chimes. The Kremlin has 20 towers in total.
Today the Kremlin is the official residence of the President of Russia.
Или Большой Театр
The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most renowned theatres in the world. It is located in the heart of Moscow in Theatre Square. The performances of ballet and opera are held there.
The Bolshoi Theatre was founded in 1776. Since then more than 800 productions have been staged there.
A lot of artists who work in the Bolshoi Theatre are awarded honorary titles. From 2005 to 2011 the theatre was closed for reconstruction.
b. She took her purse out of her bag and paid the taxi driver.
с. Our cat just loves to curl up beside the fire and go to sleep.
d. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. We could see the town and the river beneath us, and people who looked like ants.
e. Last night the temperature fell to three degrees below zero.
f. The burglar heard a noise coming from upstairs, so he hid behind the curtains.
g. The dog jumped onto my lap, and settled down for a good sleep.
h. The hunter froze as the tiger started running towards him. He had nowhere to hide.
i. She has beautiful works of art all around her house, even in the kitchen and the bedroom.
j. These days, politicians like to walk among the crowds, shaking hands and saying one or two words.
k. He climbed over the wall and ran across the field.
l. The plane took off and was soon flying above the clouds.