For the hare is characterized by a change of color of the seasons: winter hare pure white except for black tips of the ears; stain summer fur in different parts of the area - from reddish-gray to slate gray with brown struychatostyu. The head is usually painted slightly darker than the back, sides lighter, belly white. Only in areas where snow cover is not stable, rabbits do not turn white in the winter. Females hare on average are larger than males, color is different. Paws at the hare, and larger feet, especially in winter, because of the thick fur on them, get much wider. With this rabbit fur is easier to run in the snow: he runs like snowshoeing, and falls. Warm and soft perinki hares are constantly with him - on his stomach have hair thicker than elsewhere.
Boil potatoes, mince, salt, pepper ...Duck or goose fat is cut into small cubes, fry with onion, turned out to greaves, and well stirred. Serve dumplings with melted butter and chopped herbs
For this recipe you will need: dough (for dumplings, prime) for the filling: cottage cheese (fresh) - 300g egg (yolk) - 1 pcs. Salt - 1.5 tsp
The fresh pressed curds well with salt, add egg yolk and mix thoroughly. Prepare the dough for dumplings. Roll out the dough on a floured cutting board, cut a round glass blanks for dumplings. To cut semi-circular dumplings and boil them in lightly salted water. Hot dumplings in batches sprinkle with finely chopped onions, fried in butter.