I’m not going on holiday this year. My mortgage has just gone up and I can’t afford a holiday abroad. I’m going to go to Wales though for a friend’s wedding.’
Mary: ‘I’ve heard a lot about ‘staycations’ but I’m going on holiday like I do every year. I always go to Spain for a week as normal. You just can’t trust the British weather! ’
Nicole:’ I’m not going on holiday this summer, but not because of the economic crisis. I want to help the environment. It’s crazy that everyone is flying around the world when there are beautiful places to visit here in our own country.
Steve: ‘Staycations?! What a lot of rubbish in this trend! People are still going on holidays. It’s cheaper to get a flight and leave Britain than to stay here for your holidays. I’m going to get a cheap flight somewhere and have a real break.’
Michael: ‘I’m staying at home this year. I want to spend my holiday getting organised, painting, decorating etc. I think we should learn to enjoy what we have close to home. If everyone travelled less the world would be a lot simpler.’
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