watched / talked / had / came / arrived / missed / studied / past/ called/ spoke / got up / did / went /found/ followed/ worked/ stopped/ called /tried / paid / caught /was / left / knew /were/ brought / dropped /jogged /occurred /were / met / slept / went / flew//.
2) Write questions or negatives sentences:
a) She visited her parents last weekend.
Question: _Did she visit_her parents last weekend?
b) He cleaned his room before school.
Question: Did he clean his room before school?
c) The teacher found the missing exams.
Negative: The teacher didn't find the missing exams.
d) Tom wanted to go to the movies alone.
Question: Did Tom want to go to the movies alone_?
e) Helena offered Henrique a piece of cake.
Negative: Helena didn't offer Henrique a piece of cake.
f) I knew what to do.
Negative: I didn't know what to do.
g) Alexander helped Anita with her homework.
Question: Did Alexander help Anita with her homework?
h) You ate cookies after dinner.
Negative: You didn't eat cookies after dinner.
i) You talked to her earlier.
Question: Did you talk to her earlier_?
j) We turned off the TV after the news.
Negative: We didn't turn off the TV after the news.
k) He drank only a coke at the party.
Question: Did he drink only a coke at the party_?
l) Mom made breakfast early.
Negative: Mom didn't make breakfast early.
Здоровье – самая большая ценность. Если у человека все в порядке со здоровьем, у него есть силы и вдохновение для дел, общения, творчества. Когда в организме что-то болит, сложно сосредоточиться на учебе или работе, не хочется даже развлекаться. Чтобы не болеть, нужно поддерживать здоровье. Для этого не так много нужно: правильно питаться, делать физические упражнения, много времени проводить на свежем воздухе, а также позитивно относиться к жизни. Нужно внимательней относились к своему самочувствию, то меньше времени тратили бы на больницы. Нужно помнить о том, что здоровье нужно беречь, ведь его даже за деньги не купишь.