After William conquered England in 1066 AD, he needed a castle to live in when he was in London. He needed a castle that would protect London from invaders, but also a castle that would protect him, William, from angry English people who didn't like being conquered.
To build his new castle, William brought some of the stone over on boats all the way from France, where he had just finished building a castle at Caen, his home town.
William built the White Tower in a Romanesque style, with rounded arches. Long narrow buttresses helped to support the heavy stone walls. Like the walls of Cairo just a little later, William's walls have crenellations on the top - little walls that men could hide behind while they were shooting arrows at their attackers. (Most of the windows you see were added later).
Inside, the White Tower originally was only two stories high. You walked up and down on spiral staircases.
Built into the wall, William had several latrine toilets - just a board with a hole in it, and a long chute down to the ground. William also had a well built into his castle, so he could get water without going outside if the castle was attacked.
Chapel inside the White Tower
One of the rooms was a Romanesque chapel where William could attend Christian Mass without having to leave his safe castle (except that actually William died before his castle was finished).
Tower of London (1200's AD)
In the 1100's, King Richard built another stone wall around the White Tower, to be extra safe, and dug a moat. Later kings also worked on the Tower, and continued to live there until after 1500 AD.
Holiday Hooray Hooray it's time to tell me about may day during the holidays. Morning I get up early, dress up braided wash and go for a walk. We with friends go to the Park. And shopping with my mom I'm going. In the evening I go home late and go to sleep so tomorrow I immediately urom with the forces to go for a walk.Перевод: Каникулы ура ура вот и пришло время мне рассказать о маём дне во время каникул. Утро я встаю пораньше заплетаюсь одеваюсь умываюсь и иду гулять. Мы с друзьями ходим в парк. И по магазинам с мамой я иду. Вечером домой я поздно захожу и спать ложусь я сразу чтоб завтра уром с силами идти гулять.
Местоимения "some" и "any" используются для обозначения неопределённого или небольшого количества предметов или вещества. Они являются определением к существительному и применяются в речи вместо артикля. "Some" обыкновенно употребляется в утвердительных предложениях перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и перед не исчисляемыми существительными. Выполняя функцию определения к исчисляемому существительному во множественном числе, "some" имеет значение "несколько", "некоторое количество" : I have got some interesting English books to read — У меня есть несколько интересных книг для чтения. Some children don't like washing — Некоторые дети не любят умываться. Выполняя функцию определения к неисчисляемому существительному "some" имеет значение "немного", "некоторое количество" : He took some money and went to the cinema — Он взял немного денег и пошёл в кино. " Any " — обычно употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. При использовании отрицательной частицы "not", означает 'никакие'. Do not take any books from here, please — Не берите никаких книг отсюда У меня нет времени(вообще). They have not got any mistakes in this sentence — У них нет никаких ошибок в этом предложении. В вопросительной форме выполняя функцию определения к исчисляемому существительному "any" имеет значение "какие-либо", "какие-нибудь" : Have you got any interesting books to read? — У тебя есть какие-нибудь интересные книги? Выполняя функцию определения к неисчисляемому существительному "any" имеет значение "сколько-нибудь" : Have you got any chalk here? — У вас есть мел (немного мела)?
After William conquered England in 1066 AD, he needed a castle to live in when he was in London. He needed a castle that would protect London from invaders, but also a castle that would protect him, William, from angry English people who didn't like being conquered.
To build his new castle, William brought some of the stone over on boats all the way from France, where he had just finished building a castle at Caen, his home town.
William built the White Tower in a Romanesque style, with rounded arches. Long narrow buttresses helped to support the heavy stone walls. Like the walls of Cairo just a little later, William's walls have crenellations on the top - little walls that men could hide behind while they were shooting arrows at their attackers. (Most of the windows you see were added later).
Inside, the White Tower originally was only two stories high. You walked up and down on spiral staircases.
Built into the wall, William had several latrine toilets - just a board with a hole in it, and a long chute down to the ground. William also had a well built into his castle, so he could get water without going outside if the castle was attacked.
Chapel inside the White Tower
One of the rooms was a Romanesque chapel where William could attend Christian Mass without having to leave his safe castle (except that actually William died before his castle was finished).
Tower of London (1200's AD)
In the 1100's, King Richard built another stone wall around the White Tower, to be extra safe, and dug a moat. Later kings also worked on the Tower, and continued to live there until after 1500 AD.