The world today is vastly different from what it was before urbanisation and industrialisation had taken its toll on the world. Since the turn of the new millennium the issue of the environment has suddenly evolved into a widespread issue which is greatly discussed throughout the world. No longer are humans living in a world where the environment is serene or stable but much rather becoming unrecognisable and diminishing before our eyes. The plants, trees and flowers are life forms which God has created for us to enjoy its beauty but it is now solely up to us and many other organisations to protect preserve and respect how fragile our environment really is. One of the most evident problems associated to the environment is the issue of the logging of trees, mainly in undisturbed places such as the Amazon basin. Trees are considered the lungs of the Earth. They recycle all the polluting carbon in the air and return oxygen back into our atmosphere, creating a stable cycle of carbon in our atmosphere. However, the impeccable rates which trees are being cut down in our forests have grown to ever increasing and alarming rates. Trees that are made way for farming are burnt up releasing deadly amounts of carbon and thus leading to the problem of global warming. As its names suggest the world is slowly warming up and without any notice the environment which God has gave us will be slowly eradicated. The daily lives which humans carry on about every day are also a factor influencing on our environment and global warming. By driving cars that have a thirst for petrol we are releasing carbon dioxide and furthermore impacting on the world?s climate. In Australia environmental impact has always been evident. Land clearing especially in places such as Queensland has caused land to lay dry and lifeless where all forms of life is destroyed. By clearing land we are not only affecting our climate but are also destroying animal habitat and the usage of the land. Senseless actions by commuters in Australia, emitting tons and tons of lethal gases vulnerable to the atmosphere are starting to take its toll on our climate. We are seeing a harsher climate and at the same time less rain. If we want to preserve our world we must take a stance on this issue and take action for what is right, not carrying on the actions that will lead to a desolate, destroyed Earth.
Going shopping is not only pleasure but our every day’s routine. We go shopping to big shopping centers or buy things in the Internet.I like to do my shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: readymade clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there.
Almost 4% (about 1,170,880 sq. Km) across Africa has been taken under protection by 1990-th year. Pongola - the first African nature reserve was established back in 1894 in South Africa, although relatively new, there was a majority of all existing protected areas. 862,940 sq. km of the continent, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (MSOPR), is under the full security and eliminates the maintenance of any mining and forestry operations. Почти 4% (около 1 170 880 кв. км) всей территории Африки было взято под охрану к 1990-му году. Понгола – первый африканский природный заповедник, был учрежден ещё в 1894 году в ЮАР, хотя относительно недавно, появилось большинство всех нынешних охранных территорий. 862 940 кв. км территории континента, по данным Международного союза охраны природы и природных ресурсов (МСОПР), находится под полной охраной, и исключает ведение каких-либо горнодобывающих и лесохозяйственных работ.
Задание1 1 -- 3 2 -- 2 3 -- 4 4 -- 1 5 -- Mary is playing the piano very well, isn't she? 6 -- He was listening to the concert on TV at 7 p.m., wasn't he? 7 -- Have you been to Paris? 8 -- By six o’clock yesterday you had done your homework and at six you were watching a videofilm. 9 -- (By 1 o’clock the girl had come home and at two she was having dinner.) или: By 4 o'clock the girl came home and at two she was having dinner. 10 --My parents came home by six o’clock. 11 -- The police will have arrested the thief by the next morning. 12 -- If they can do it then they will have fulfilled their mission.
Задание 2
Вставьте соответствующие предлоги: 1. There was a big pot _of_ water at the top _of_ the stove. 2. She spoke English _with_ a French accent. 3. The teacher was pleased _with__ our work. 4. Put these flowers _on_the window-sill.
Задание 3. 1. Dan is in Britain now and he is writing a letter about his holidays. 2. Sam’s future depends on his parents. 3. Now tourists are taking part in a band festival. 4. We have three English lessons a week. 5. You can borrow my umbrella. I don't need it at the moment. Составьте вопросительное предложение PastSimple из данных слов: 6. When did you last travel by train? Вставьтеслова will / to be going to. 7. – This room is very hot. – You are right. I will open the window. 8. I am going to move to the country. 9. My parents are working now. 10. I heard him shouting something from the opposite shore. Я слышал, как он кричал что-то с противоположного берега. Раскройте скобки, употребив ParticipleI. Переведите предложение. 11. She entered the room smiling Она вошла в комнату улыбаясь. 12. I wonder if that terrible wind will be blowing tomorrow.” – “Oh, yes. The weather forecast says it will be blowing for another two weeks.
Задание 4. Употребите следующие предложения в PastProgressive, уточняя действие наречиями. Образец: I went to the cinema yesterday. – I was going to the cinema yesterday at 3. 1. They watched a good film. - They were watching a good film yesterday at 7 p.m. Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могут быть ответами. Were you passing the British Museum yesterday at 5 p.m. 2. Yes, we were passing the British Museum yesterday at 5 p.m. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous. 3. He was playing computer games from 2 till 3 yesterday. 4. We were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday. Употребите Present Perfect. 5. They had known each other since 2013. 6. I have read a lot of Russian books. Допишитепредложенияпри 7. They have already/just finished their breakfast. 8. Our children haven’t been at school for a week. В каждом из следующих предложений допущена ошибка. Исправьте ее и напишите правильный вариант. 9. Now they are playing tennis. 10. We were listening to the concert yesterday at 4 p. m. 11. We have known each other for many year. He is my best friend. 12. He goes to the library every week.
Задание 5. 1. We hope they will have told her the news by the time they come. 2. She`ll be able to come. Она сможет придти. 3. I needn`t walk, there is a bus going there. Мне не надо идти пешком, туда ходит автобус. 4. You didn’t thank your grandmother for the lovely gift. You ought to have thanked your grandmother for the lovely gift. 5) The notice says that club members mustn't use the pool unattended. 6) You may drive for a year in Britain with an international licence. 7. My grandmother loved music. She could play the piano very well. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол или модальный оборот mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to. 8. You mustn't forget what I told you. It’s very important!
One of the most evident problems associated to the environment is the issue of the logging of trees, mainly in undisturbed places such as the Amazon basin. Trees are considered the lungs of the Earth. They recycle all the polluting carbon in the air and return oxygen back into our atmosphere, creating a stable cycle of carbon in our atmosphere. However, the impeccable rates which trees are being cut down in our forests have grown to ever increasing and alarming rates. Trees that are made way for farming are burnt up releasing deadly amounts of carbon and thus leading to the problem of global warming. As its names suggest the world is slowly warming up and without any notice the environment which God has gave us will be slowly eradicated. The daily lives which humans carry on about every day are also a factor influencing on our environment and global warming. By driving cars that have a thirst for petrol we are releasing carbon dioxide and furthermore impacting on the world?s climate. In Australia environmental impact has always been evident. Land clearing especially in places such as Queensland has caused land to lay dry and lifeless where all forms of life is destroyed. By clearing land we are not only affecting our climate but are also destroying animal habitat and the usage of the land. Senseless actions by commuters in Australia, emitting tons and tons of lethal gases vulnerable to the atmosphere are starting to take its toll on our climate. We are seeing a harsher climate and at the same time less rain. If we want to preserve our world we must take a stance on this issue and take action for what is right, not carrying on the actions that will lead to a desolate, destroyed Earth.