Ask questions to get more information about these facts. give answers.example: kevin's plan was supported.when was his plan supported? | last week.where was his plan supported? | at the whom was the plan supported? | it was really good.why was the plan supported? | it was really good.1) the poem was written.2) the sandcastle was built.3) the story was told.4) the new land was discovered.5) some species of animals were killed.6) a lot of historic facts were remembered.7) the trees were cut down.8) a lot of power stations were built.9) some rivers were polluted.10) some money was collected.
- Hello! How are you?
- Fine. And you?
- I`m Ok. What are you doing this evening?
- Nothing. But I want to go to the theatre.
- I want to go with you! And what performance do you want to see?
- Let me think a bit... We can go to "Cinderella", "Princess" and to the children`s performance "Just do it". Tickets will cost 12 pounds.
- Let`s go to the performance "Princess". May be it`s interesting.
- Okey. Let`s go! It starts at 2 p. m.
- Where shall we meet?
- We can meet near the theatre "Lucsor", at 1 p. m.
- Can I go with you and with my sister?
- Yes, you can! Buy, see you latter.
- Good bye.