В предложении неправильный выбор времени, к тому же неверное его использование, а также отсутствует заглавная буква в конце предложения и точка в конце предложение. Правильный вариант: Mary didn't have a party yesterday. Используется время Past Simple потому, что есть указание на время.
1. We use electronic machines fulfilling (причастие I, определение) the most complicated calculations in industry and agriculture. Мы используем электронные машины, которые выполняют самые сложные расчеты в промышленности и сельском хозяйстве 2. The airliner designed (причастие II, определение) by N can carry only 80 passengers. Самолет, спроектированный N, может перевозить только 80 пассажиров 3. The experimental facts can be explained (причастие II, часть сказуемого) by this theory. Данные, полученные в ходе эксперимента, можно объяснить этой теорией.
1) What action films have you seen lately? I lately watched films called "The Finest Hours" and "Gods of Egypt". 2) Are you fond of horror films? why? why not? I don't like horror filmss because all their stories are similar. 3) Sherlock holmes is one of the world-famous characters of crime film. Do you know any others? Oh sure. I know the other characters, such as Jessica Fletcher of the TV series "Murder, She Wrote" 4) Are psychological dramas popular nowadays? Yes, they are popular. 5) Why do you think they are (aren't) ? They have an interesting story. 6) Who do you think prefers to watch science fiction films more: men or women, young people or those who are older than sixty? Perhaps it is older peopleю 7) Can you call the film about Robinson Crusoe an adventure film? Why? Why not? Oh sure. The film is about the adventures of a man after a shipwreck. 8) what adventures films have youseen or heard of? I have seen an adventure film called "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End". 9) Can you give the titles of some thrillers? I can give the titles of thrillers "The Others" and "The Silence of the Lambs".
Правильный вариант: Mary didn't have a party yesterday.
Используется время Past Simple потому, что есть указание на время.