6.00 favorite film Channel 1
6.30 football match Channel 3
7.00 TV news Channel 2
Would you like _some_cake?
I haven't got_any_pets.
Have you got_any_fresh eggs?
Don't buy_any_butter
I'm hungry. Can I have__some__sandwiches, please?
Are there_many_people at the cinema today?
There isn't _much_sugar in this coffee.
We haven't got_much_bread.
Is there _much_tea in the cup?
She has got_many_rings
Sue has got_a little_money.
I have got_a few_apples. I can make an apple pie.
Исправьте ошибки:
There is very little soup in the bowl.
Исправьте ошибки: Rita has got much money
Исправьте ошибки: Mike has got many friends.
Исправьте ошибки: How many deer can you see in the picture?
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a_piece_of cake
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a_glass_of juice
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a_box_of chocolates
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a_jar_of jam
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a bowl of cereal
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a__packet__of milk
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a__tube_of toothpaste
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a_jar_of honey
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a_bottle_of coke / a can of coke
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a__bunch__of bananas
carton, box, glass, can, slice, bunch, piece, jar, bowl, packet, tube, bottle.
a packet of crisps
I wrote the article last Monday
The article was written last Monday
These books are used for work
The office is cleaned every day
I feel that I am being watched now by somebody. пассивный
He will go to the shop
She can open the window
He should lock a door
If I work hard
If he calls me
1 условного типа
If I lived near the sea
f I had a million
If I knew English very well
If I were very rich, I would buy what I want. But I'm not so rich
If she were here, she would help us. She is not here now, so she can't help us
2 условного типа
6.00 favourite film
6.30 football match
7.00 TV news
Channel 3
Channel 1
Channel 2