my favorite holiday is the new year. it is celebrated on january 1st. every year we cook a lot of delicious food. this salad is olivier, vinaigrette, various desserts. then guests come to us and we celebrate the new year fun together. we light bengal lights and watch the salute from the window. every year we decorate the christmas tree. she is very beautiful. in the morning, my brother and i find our presents under the christmas tree. i love to celebrate this holiday because it is very funny мой любимый праздник новый год. его празднуют 1 января. каждый год мы готовим много вкусной еды. это салат оливье, винегрет, разные десерты. потом к нам приходят гости и мы вместе весело встречаем новый год. зажигаем бенгальские огни и смотрим салют из окна. каждый год мы наряжаем елку. она красивая. я и мой брат утром находим под ёлкой свои подарки. я люблю праздновать этот праздник потому что он весёлый
julius caesar came to britain in 54 bc. a hundred years later the romans came again, and this time they stayed for four hundred yearswhen the romans came to britain, they found it a land of forest and swamp.
the romans were fond of warm water baths, and the city of bath owes its origin to the possession of naturally warmed spring.
the romans didn’t need carpets — they had central heat ing under the floors of their houses. so they decorated their floors with mosaics. the mosaic of a dancing girl was found in a roman villa in susses. it is over 1,700 years old.
the norman invaders brought with them norman archi tecture (you can still see a number of norman churches and castles), and the norman-frenchlanguage, which over the years mixed withanglo-saxonto form the modem english language