Как вы думаете, какая самая большая проблема стоит перед сегодняшними подростками? Большинство британских родителей предположили бы, что это наркотики, но они ошибаются. Интересные ощущения вызвал опрос, проведенный компанией 'Get Connected', - с телефона доверия для молодых людей. Они поговорили с 510 молодыми людьми в возрасте от пятнадцати до девятнадцати лет, а также с их родителями. Они обнаружили, что родители настолько обеспокоены тем, что их дети могут быть связаны с наркотиками, что они не видят, что основными причинами беспокойства для большинства молодых людей являются отношения, особенно с друзьями. Кажется, нет ничего хуже, чем ссора с лучшими друзьями.
Представитель от компании 'Get Connected' сказал, что молодые люди полагаются на своих друзей, чтобы обсудить любые проблемы, которые у них могут возникнуть. Если они ссорятся со своими друзьями, то рядом никого нет, и это может серьезно сказаться на их психическом здоровье. Таким образом, получается, что именно ваши друзья поддерживают вас в здравом уме.
Сегодня люди все меньше полагаются на большие семейные группы и все больше на друзей. Другой опрос, проведенный в США, показал, что сегодня у молодых людей больше друзей, чем двадцать или тридцать лет назад. Наличие тесной группы людей, на которых можно положиться, кажется более привлекательным и безопасным, чем исключительные отношения с одним другим человеком, которые могут быть разрушительными, если все пойдет не так. На самом деле, студенты Бристольского университета в Англии недавно сказали, что пары друзей - это дело
If you were to ask people what they needed to be happy, two of the most common answers would be health and wealth. Both are definitely necessary for happiness. However, if you could only have one, which is more important? It is my opinion, health wins hands down.
Firstly, health is more important than wealth because if you are physically fit, you will have a sense of well-being. That means that you will feel happy. Wealth does not necessarily do the same. Many people mistakenly think that they would be happy if they had a million ringgit. They think that having more money will solve all their problems. On the contrary, it has been found that being wealthy can actually rob you of your peace of mind. Rich people suffer from more stress, anxiety, suspicion and unhappiness.
Besides that, wealth is of no use without health. To understand this, we must look at why we gather wealth. The purpose of doing so is to be able to supply our daily needs and make ourselves happy by spending on luxuries. Without good health, no matter how much one spends on material things, that person will not be able to enjoy them to the fullest. For example, a person who is unwell would not be able to eat everything he wants to even though he could afford to buy the most expensive food. A person who is bedridden will not be able to enjoy vacations in exotic places even if he owned a private plane. Therefore, health is more important than wealth as wealth is useless without health.
Another point in favour of health is that if you were healthy, you would be able to gain wealth. The reverse is not possible. If a person is healthy, he would be able to find work or carry out investments that could eventually make him wealthy. However, for a person who is wealthy but ill, even the best medical care that money can buy may not guarantee the return of that person's health. This fact alone is sufficient to support the view that wealth is less important than health.
In a nutshell, health is indeed more important than wealth for the reasons explained above. Of course, the ideal situation would be to have both health and wealth. But if you had to choose, pick the one that gives you the greatest amount of happiness
Earlier people did not think about pollution , but now spend a lot of money to restore its natural beauty . Particularly concerned about the nature of Europe . Thanks conducted its activities in Europe almost stopped falling acid rain, although in other countries, the problem is still not solved.
To prevent contamination of the environment , it is necessary to work in this direction all countries. If one country , will take care of the environment , and the other not, a special wing of it will not.
Caring for nature must be incorporated in the public consciousness , so an early age so it is important to educate children in this direction. The younger generation , it is necessary to talk about what you need to take care of nature , because nature without people perish.
Taking care of nature , we care about themselves, about their health, about their beauty . Our children , grandchildren, great grandchildren , great-grandchildren also want to breathe clean air, drink clean water , enjoy its beauty . And we can not take them with this opportunity.