Write more words which can go together. a) foreign language, book, , , . b) modern school, world, , , . c) new, interesting, , , language. d) good, , , group.
A) different countrys, conversacion(разговор,диалог) with foreign, experience b) technology, pupils, teachers c)amazing, difficult, beatiuful language d) incredible,interesting, funny group
There were two boys in a class who were friends. They were together everywhere. Everybody considered them as good friends. Peter was good at studying but Nick studied a little worse especially in mathematics.
Nick’s mother was sick for a long time and he did his best not to upset her. At that time there was a math test. Peter did the test quickly and when he saw that Nick didn’t do the task he wrote the solution on a piece of paper and thrown it to him. Nick didn’t know what to do for some time but the thought of the sick mother overcame his conscience. He wrote the test and gave it to the teacher. Nick was in a bad mood all day and his mother noticed it but her son didn’t tell her anything. The next day the teacher was telling the results. She praised those students who had written the test well especially she was happy about Nick :” You pleased me very much, Nick”, she said. Nick took his notebook but he couldn’t look in the teacher’s eyes because he was ashamed. At the next desk cried Kate because she’s got “2”. The lesson was almost over when Nick suddenly stood up, went to the teacher and said:”Olga Nikolayevna grade my work as “2”, “5” isn’t my mark, I have copied the test”. The teacher looked at him kindly and said:”The truth lives with good people”. It’s very good that you’ve understood everything”. She corrected the mark and Nick carried his notebook as if he got “5”, not “2”.
Это субботний день. Доктор Стэнфорд слышит, как Бэтти стучит в дверь. «Войдите «Что такое, Бэтти» «Мистр Увайт, хочет видеть Вас, Генри» «Хорошо, да. Пусть заходит» «Добрый день, доктор» «Здраствуйте, доктор Вайт» «Мне ужасно неудобно тревожить вас» «Получите во время?» «Конечно» «Хотите ли вы получит это в следующем году» «Ой, я совсем забыл про это, мы всегда забываем про важные вещи, я должен сейчас заплатить?» «Нет, не нужно, как подарок. Вам нудно расписаться здесь» «Где я должен расписаться?» «Здесь доктор» «Хорошо, мистер Уайт, сейчас 5 часов, не хотите провести немного времени с нами?» с удовольствием» «Пойдемте в столовую» вас»
b) technology, pupils, teachers
c)amazing, difficult, beatiuful language
d) incredible,interesting, funny group