Me and my friend went to the cinema together for this dinner we had a very tasty turkey It is very hard to reach to you if you will go there by yourself you will be in danger this coming fall we are waiting for good harvest always pray God because there is no blessing in disguise
Winter vacation I celebrated the new year with my family. Sister gave me tickets to the circus. After the new year we went to the circus. There we saw a lot of different animals: tigers, kangaroos, elephants, bears, lions. Then I met my girlfriend, her name is Diane. I asked my sister to walk with her. I walked a bit, and then I went home. And so I was sitting at home watching TV, playing computer. That's all
Зимові канікули я святкував Новий рік зі своєю сім'єю. Сестра дала мені квитки в цирк. Після нового року ми пішли в цирк. Там ми побачили багато різних тварин: тигри, кенгуру, слонів, ведмедів, левів. Тоді я зустрів свою подругу, її звуть Діана. Я запитав мою сестру ходити з нею. Я йшов трохи, а потім я пішов додому. І тому я сидів удома дивитися телевізор, грати комп'ютер. От і все
Every year I go snowboarding to mountains. This year was not an exception. We tried a new place for riding so it met our expectations. When we arrived at the hotel it was a night and we were tired and exhausted. But how amazing it is to wake up in mountains during your vacation. Snowboarding, mulled wine and a mountain river which makes a nice sound you can hear every morning - this is so natural and attract you more and more. We had a ride for four days of seven which we were there. I recommend everyone to try this kind of rest and hope you will find something new and interesting in this.
for this dinner we had a very tasty turkey
It is very hard to reach to you
if you will go there by yourself you will be in danger
this coming fall we are waiting for good harvest
always pray God because there is no blessing in disguise