A flag is a piece of fabric (most often rectangular) with a distinctive design that is used as a symbol, as a signaling device, or as decoration. The term flag is also used to refer to the graphical design employed by a flag, or to its depiction in another medium.
Flat, or flatness, describes an object or condition that is very smooth or level.
Я расскажу про свою коллекцию почтовых марок. Когда я только начинала коллекционировать, марки я собирала в альбом кое-как, а покупала только те, что мне нравились. Чуть позже я прочитала книгу о філателію и филателистов и поняла, что делала не все правильно. Марки в этой книге рекомендовалось собирать с одной или двух тем, чтобы не распылять своей коллекционерской внимания. Для себя я выбрала такую тематику: флора и фауна. До того как заняться коллекционированием, я и не подозревала, какой фантастически разнообразный мир животных и растений.
The "Stars and Stripes" is a popular name for the red, white and blue flag of the United States. Another popular name is the "Star Spangled Banner". This is also the name of the National Anthem of the United States.Every country has its own flag. In 1776 the thirteen colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. So the United States were born.George Washington was a general of the American Army. He decided that the United States also needed a flag. There is a story that General George Washington asked Betsy Ross to make the flag. She used three colors: red, white, and blue. The red color was for courage, white was for liberty, and blue was for justice.
Flat, or flatness, describes an object or condition that is very smooth or level.