Women in the West have fought for their rights for a long period of time joining suffragette and feminist movements. The right for equal education is only a part of the rights women living in the Western world have today. A lot of work is being done to help women to successfully combine their careers, further education and motherhood.
However, one needs to take into consideration counties, such as Afghanistan, Iran or parts of Pakistan, where education for women is still banned or ‘not advisable’.
Как пример можно использовать историю Малалы Юсуфзай.
Iwent to the us when i was 15 years old. i and my mom met with my dad in the germany. we spent there a week. it was the first time when i went abroad. when we got out of airplane we saw beautiful building of frankfurt airport. it was impressing. people there didn’t look like people in russia. then we went to get a taxi cab. that’s was awesome! the temperature was warm. i couldn’t believe in it. because when we left tomsk it was snowing, and now sun was shining. then an other thing which surprised me was that i could communicate with people who couldn’t speak my native language. hotel was very nice. all personal was smiling at us. i liked my room. it was big with nice windows. i could see the city at night, it was amazing. i was sad when we left germany. then i spend almost nine hours in the airplane. we flow above the atlantic ocean. we had arrived to the us around midnight. the airport building was not as big as in germany. when we went outside the building it was warm, fresh air smelt like just cut grass. i and my family get into the car. it was a big car. in america people call it the track. the sits were a little bit cold. my dad drove through the night town, it was way after midnight the streetlights were shining but the light from them was too small for me to see everything around. all i could see was the forest. it’s scared me, because i’m a city girl i don’t like spend too many time outside the town. then we drove near the lake, it was big, and my dad said “hey anna, look there are a deer! “ first time in my life i saw a real deer! i was so exited. then we got our house, o my god! it was huge and nice. my dad showedme my new room, i was tired and when i saw a bed i fell asleep almost as soon as i put my head on pillow. in my window i saw a lot of lights. on a morning when ever i woke up i saw a forest and like right in front of my window. i went up stairs everyone was awake. my dad took me with him to down town, we got into a truck. i was surprised that everything was green already, as i said before it was just april. town called rogers in a arkansas state was not so big. we drove around and i saw my new school. everything was totally different. i felt like person from a different planet.
Она очень добрая. Но она любит общаться много . Она может общаться с утра до ночи . она получил два хороших друзей . Они большие утки . Осень приходит . Становится холодно , облачно и ветрено . Это время для уток лететь в Африку . Они любят лето , потому что жарко и солнечно . Они не любят зиму . Это снежная и холодная погода. Лягушка любит лето тоже. Она хочет увидеть Африку . Она говорит: " Мои друзья , возьмите меня в Африку с вами " "Хорошо !" - Говорят, утки . " Но вы не должны говорить ! Не открывать свой рот ! " Так что лягушка взяла в затичку во рту и помещает его середину. Тогда одна утка взяла один конец палки , утки взяли с другого конца. Они начинают летать. Дети видят уток в небе . " Смотри! Что утки получили ? Что это?" "Это большие часы ! " " Я не часы ! Я лягушка ! " И флоп ! Лягушка падает с неба .
Women in the West have fought for their rights for a long period of time joining suffragette and feminist movements. The right for equal education is only a part of the rights women living in the Western world have today. A lot of work is being done to help women to successfully combine their careers, further education and motherhood.
However, one needs to take into consideration counties, such as Afghanistan, Iran or parts of Pakistan, where education for women is still banned or ‘not advisable’.
Как пример можно использовать историю Малалы Юсуфзай.