Общие вопросы: What is your name? Where do you live? Where do you work? Специальные вопросы: Is your name Julia? Do you live in Moskcow? Do you work in school?
1. Have I just told you the answer? Have I just told you or him the answer? I have just told you the answer, haven't I? Who has just told you the answer? What have I just told you?
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3. Do you have English 3 times a week? Do you have English 3 or 4 times a week? You have English 3 times a week, don't you? Who has English 3 times a week? How many times a week do you have English?
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Two years ago she started smoking outside. She also knew smoking was not good for her own health, but she was not ready to quit. Two months ago Pam's daughter came home from school with a brochure from the American Cancer Society. He said «If you give up smoking it will improve your health considerably». For example, the doctor said that her lungs would become healthier and cleaner. Now Pam feels much better. She doesn't smoke .
В10 — В14 Many childhood injuries can be avoided if adults are careful and know how to keep kids safe. Here are some important things to know about safety Elder children should always wear a seat belt when they are a passenger. Install smoke detection in your home. Talk to them about what to do in case of a fire.
What is your name?
Where do you live?
Where do you work?
Специальные вопросы:
Is your name Julia?
Do you live in Moskcow?
Do you work in school?