1. When my mother called me yesterday, I didn't recognize her voice.
2. The test was not so simple as I had thought.
3. The main actor in a new film is unknown to the most of the people.
4. I don't like trip by boat, because I have a seasick.
5. Yesterday I saw very beautiful blouze in the shop, but I couldn't buy it, because it was too expensive.
6. A violent storm broke out yesterday and didn't give us an opportunaty to go fishing.
7. i didn't like that hotel, because the bed was very uncomfortable there.
I live in the flat. It is not big and not small. My flat is comfortable. It is on the third floor. I like it very much and my family is happy here. There are two rooms in my flat – a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. My bedroom is my favorite. It is rather big ad light. There are two windows in this room. There is a bed with a beautiful bedside table near the wall. There is a desk and a chair in front of the windows. There is a green carpet on the floor. We can also see two brown arm-chairs in my bedroom. Above the desk there are several book-shelves. There is not a lot of furniture there because I like having a lot of space. What about your flat and favorite room?
Я живу в квартире. Она не большая и не маленькая. Моя квартира удобная. Она расположена на третьем этаже. Она мне очень нравится и моя семья здесь счастлива. В моей квартире две комнаты – гостиная, спальня и кухня. Моя спальня – любимая комната. Она довольно большая и светлая. В этой комнате два окна. Возле стены стоит кровать с тумбой. Напротив окон – письменный стол и стул. На полу зелёный ковёр. Мы также можем увидеть два коричневых кресла в моей спальне. Над столом несколько книжных полок. Здесь немного мебели, так как мне нравится, когда просторно. А как насчёт твоей квартиры и любимой комнаты?
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, too.
One, two, three,
four five,
Six, seven days
Each day different
And every day new.