In my free time I help my mother with household chores. washing dishes, helping to cook, sweeping the yard, dusting and so on. I help my dad fix something, I help wash the car. sometimes they ask for it themselves, sometimes I help at will. I like helping them. when I help them, they rejoice to see them, and I rejoice.
я в свободное время маме с домашними делами. мою посуду готовить, подметаю двор, вытираю пыль и так далее. папе что нибудь чинить мыть машину. иногда они сами об этом просят, иногда по своему желанию. мне нравится им когда я им они радуются, увидев их, радуюсь и я.
1. THE INTERNATIONAL criminal Jimmy Rosendale is reported to be living in Ireland.
2. HE is believed to be the head of a gang of bank robbers.
3. THE GANG is known to have carried out a series of robberies.
4. THEY are supposed to have escaped with over €1 million.
5. THEY are thought to be targeting banks in small provincial towns.
6. Jimmy Rosendale is said to be wanted for questioning by police in five countries.
7. HE is understood to have escaped from police custody by bribing a warder.
8. HE is assumed to have been involved in criminal activities all his life.
9. HE is presumed to have learned his trade from his father.
10. HIS FATHER is alleged to have been the mastermind behind the 2001 gold bullion robbery.