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1. I have a lot of work to do today. 2. I had to go there myself. 3. You will have to wait a little. 4. When should he arrive? (how did you agree?) 5. The train was supposed to arrive in a few minutes. 6. He must be very smart. 7. He must have recognized you. 8. He had to go to the director and explain his behavior. 9. You will have to talk to her. 10. They had to walk for a very long time. 11. He won't have to rewrite the essay. 12. He must be painting her portrait. 13. They probably already left. 14. He was about to make an amazing discovery. Удачи!
1. Consumers are becoming more aware of dangers of additives in foods.
2. Lack of calcium can cause your bones to become brittle.
3. Julia had an eating disorder and was severely underweight.
4. He had to undergo a routine medical examination when he joined the army.
5. The doctor wrote me a prescription for some tablets and cough medicine.
6. The restaurant was famous for the huge portions it served customers.
7. Ear infections can be intensely irritating and very painful.
8. The town was in desperate need of food and medical supplies after the earthquake.
9. Connie felt guilty after the offensive comments she made about Anna.
10. The actress was deeply distressed by the bad reviews of her latest film.
Crocodile. Elephant. Tiger. Bears. Hippopotamus. Giraffe. Lion