6. 1.accident, 2.poisioned, 3.harmless animals, 4.exageration becomes true, 5.hot dry day, 6.ability to get in trouble, 7.habitat, 8.freeze in fear, 9.screamed and fainted, 10.climate changes fast
7. 1. Два ребенка утонули потопе, когда их лодку перевернуло. 2. Это потрясающее место для дайвинга, потому что вода очень прозрачная. 3. Самолет перелетел через Альпы на обратном пути из Женевы. 4. Говорят, ураган может накрыть острова уже сегодня. 5. Они собираются подняться на южный склон горы.
I think that national symbols serve as a union of citizens, people living in a country with a certain flag, a coat of arms and a hymn clearly identify themselves in the world. And yet, national symbols, for example, the coat of arms, are used in the design of country documents. However, not all people identify myself with the national symbols of my country, including me. I respect my country, but I'm still too young to think about such cardinal and important things, so far I do not care.The main advantage is that people living in a country with certain national symbols can feel independent, they have something that no other state repeats. People identify themselves with their national symbols, and this unites all citizens. The main drawback symbols is that they are not updated often, young people are not interested in learning about the history of creating these symbols. The state literally does nothing to interest the younger generation in the history of their nationalities -regional character.
I booked my holiday ago. I am going to Spain.