Маркеры времени Present Simple
time to timeвремя от dayкаждый деньevery weekкаждую неделюevery monthкаждый месяцevery yearкаждый годon Mondaysпо понедельникамat the weekendна выходныхat weekendsпо выходнымat 7 o'clockв 7 часовМаркеры времени Past Simple
yesterdayвчераМаркеры времени Future Simple
tomorrowзавтраthe day after вечеромone of these daysна дняхnext weekна следующей неделеnext monthв следующем месяцеnext yearв следующем годуin an hourв течение часаin a minuteв течение (the) futureв будущемМаркеры времени Present Progressive (Present Continuous)
nowсейчасstillвсё ещёat the momentв данный моментМаркеры времен Past Progressive (Past Continuous) и Future Progressive (Future Continuous)
all day longцелый деньall night longвсю ночьall the timeвсе времяat that momentв тот моментwhileв то время, какat 5 o'clockв 5 часовМаркеры времени Present Perfect
neverникогдаjustтолько чтоalwaysвсегдаyetеще не (-), уже (?)alreadyуже (.)this weekна этой неделеlately/of lateза последнее времяrecentlyнедавноfor agesцелую вечностьeverкогда-либоМаркеры времен Past Perfect и Future Perfect
by…к…by the timeк тому времениbefore…до…Маркеры времен Present/Past/Future Perfect Continuous
all day longцелый деньbyк…beforeдо…sinceс… (какого-либо времени)forв течение… (какого-либо времени)
Are the sentences true or false?
Are the sentences true or false?1. It’s OK to mention your hobbies.
Are the sentences true or false?1. It’s OK to mention your hobbies.2. You don’t need to check your spelling.
Are the sentences true or false?1. It’s OK to mention your hobbies.2. You don’t need to check your spelling.3. You should use emojis in every sentence.
Are the sentences true or false?1. It’s OK to mention your hobbies.2. You don’t need to check your spelling.3. You should use emojis in every sentence.4. You should keep your profile true and positive.
Are the sentences true or false?1. It’s OK to mention your hobbies.2. You don’t need to check your spelling.3. You should use emojis in every sentence.4. You should keep your profile true and positive.5. It’s important not to share personal information like your phone number.
Are the sentences true or false?1. It’s OK to mention your hobbies.2. You don’t need to check your spelling.3. You should use emojis in every sentence.4. You should keep your profile true and positive.5. It’s important not to share personal information like your phone number.6. You should give a lot of detail about all of your hobbies.
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F