Russian learners of English often ask how to render this or that Russian proverb in English with the help of similar English proverbs. This collection contains Russian and English proverbs with similar meanings. Bear in mind that a list of popular Russian proverbs may be quite different from a list of popular English proverbs, and the imagery of English proverbs is often different from the imagery of Russian proverbs. It is advisable for language learners to use only those English proverbs which have clear and direct meaning, and to use them sparingly. The list below is provided for studying, understanding and fun, but not for active use. Изучающие английский язык часто спрашивают, как передать ту или иную русскую пословицу на английском языке с похожих английских пословиц. Данная подборка содержит русские и английские пословицы c похожими значениями. Имейте в виду, что список популярных русских пословиц может значительно отличаться от списка популярных английских пословиц, а образность английских пословиц часто отличается от образности русских пословиц. Изучающим язык рекомендуется употреблять только те английские пословицы, которые имеют понятное и прямое значение, и употреблять их очень умеренно. Список ниже предлагается для изучения, понимания и развлечения, но не для активного употребления.
1. Margaret didn't go (Past Simple) to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling (Past Continuous) well. 2. Look (Present Simple) ! That man over there is wearing (Present Continuous) the same sweater as you. 3. Your son is (Present Simple) much taller than he was (Past Simple) last year. He has grown (Present Perfect) a lot. 4. I still don’t know (Present Simple) what to do. I haven't decided (Present Perfect) yet. 5. We can go (Present Simple) out now. It is not raining (Present Continuous) anymore. 6. What speed was the car doing (Past Continuous) at the time of accident? 7. I wasn’t (Past Simple) very busy at weekend. I did not have (Past Simple) much to do. 8. Mary usually phones (Present Simple) me on Fridays but she did not phone (Past Simple) me last Friday. 9. When Sue heard (Past Simple) the news, she was (Past Simple) very pleased. 10.What were you both doing (Past Continuous) at 7 o’clock yesterday?
Everyone dreams in different ways , creating for themselves a framework,to help them. I do not see frames for my dreams and my desires has no(doesn't have) limits.Of course, the profession should be primarily such that you liked and you could devote her most of your life.I do not see myself in traditional professions like doctor, lawyer or teacher. I can not imagine myself in a narrow profile of job, because another profession I would not be sufficient.I believe that people should be comprehensively developed, so my role has to be multifaceted.I can not sit still, I like to learn something new,like to keep abreast of events and can not imagine their work without communicating with people and new friends.My main rule is always remember what I want.I believe that a dream is not enough still need diligent and confidently reach your goal, to create and look for ways to realize your ideas.Self-development and self-improvement - that's what you needI think it is unnecessary to enumerate qualities (linescharacter) that I will need in the future to realize my plans, sothat each person has a different approach to work, and such features as punctuality, tolerance,responsible, intelligent, cheerfulness should have one. In anyIf desired, always there when you work on yourself. Let everyone say it's hard, but I know that's real!.