Прежде всего, мне хотелось бы сказать несколько слов о роли книг в нашей жизни. Я думаю, книги – наши лучшие друзья. Читая книги, мы имеем возможность заглянуть в будущее или Книги формируют ценности и характер человека. Кроме того, они в самообразовании. И что наиболее важно, книги учат нас быть добрыми, работящими и честными и лучше понимать друг друга.Я очень люблю читать. Когда у меня появляется немного свободного времени, я провожу его с книгой. В мире существует огромное количество знаменитых авторов, известных благодаря своим прекрасным произведениям, но моя любимая книга – «Оливер Твист», написанная Чарльзом Диккенсом в 1838. Это чрезвычайно печальная история, однако, со счастливым концом. В своем романе Диккенс написал о бедности и лишенном романтики криминальном мире. В книге также описывается жестокость, с которой относились к детям бедняков в Лондоне в то время.Роман повествует о сироте, который был от рождения обречен на бедность и несчастье. В ранние годы на его долю выпадает множество ужасных событий, в результате которых он, можно сказать, «умирает несколько раз», но его желание жить и найти справедливость в этом мире ему выжить, вновь обрести потерянных родственников и, в конце концов, стать счастливым. В этой книге описывается неутихающая борьба добра со злом. Невозможно не расплакаться, читая и сопереживая судьбе главного героя. Я твердо уверена, что «Оливер Твист» – истинный шедевр английской литературы.В заключение я хотела бы сказать, что книга – одно из чудес света. Мы должны относиться к ним с заботой и осторожностью.
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[smsbil]First of all, I would like to say a few words about the role of books in our life. I think books are our best friends. While reading we have an opportunity to look into the future or into the past. Books form our values and character. Besides, they help us in self-education. What is more important, books teach us to be kind, hard-working, brave and honest and to understand each other better.I’m really fond of reading. Whenever I have got free time I spend it with a book. There are a lot of famous writers in the world known for their wonderful books but my favourite one is “Oliver Twist” written by Charles Dickens in 1838. This is a very sad story with a happy end though. In his novel Dickens wrote about poverty and an unromantic criminal world. The book also exposed the cruelty with which poor children were treated in London at that time.It tells us about an orphan who was born into a life of poverty and misfortune. He came across lots of terrible events in the early years of his life and it can be stated that “he died several times” but the desire to live and to find justice in this world helped him to survive, to reunite with his lost relatives and to finally become happy. In this book a constant struggle of good and evil is described. You can’t help crying when reading it as you start to live the life of the main character. I truly believe that “Oliver Twist” is a masterpiece of English literature.Summing up I want to say that a book is one of the wonders of the world. We must treat them with great care.Если захочешь сократи его
Hello, Santa Claus! I want to tell you, that I was a very good girl in 2013 and I have earned the best gift from you. I would like to get new skates, which we call Snow Maiden, because the skates I have are too small and very old. Fulfill, please, my dream. I promise you that I will study hard, obey my parents and always be kind and polite. Yours Ritta
Здравствуй, Дедушка Мороз! Хочу сказать тебе, я была очень хорошей девочкой в этом году и заслужила от тебя самый лучший подарок. Мне бы хотелось получить новые коньки-снегурки, потому что мои коньки мне уже малы и совсем старые. Выполни мое желание. Я обещаю тебе, что буду хорошо учиться, слушаться родителей и всегда быть доброй и вежливой. Твоя Рита
I Want To Become A TeacherЯ хочу стать учителемFrom the very childhood I dreamt of becoming a teacher. Now, when I’m a high school student, I often think over my choice. I know exactly which university to enter after school graduation. The university that I chose has a philological faculty, where I can study to become a teacher of Russian Literature. My choice depends on many factors. I’ve always liked reading, especially the works of Russian classics. Every book that I found in my parents’ library was read. Every book that my teacher of Russian and Literature set as a home work was also read from cover to cover. At the university I hope to develop and expand my knowledge. When I become a teacher I’m willing to share this knowledge and love for literature with younger generation. Another reason, why I’d like to become a teacher is not connected with a subject itself. It has more to do with this profession and its positive sides. In my opinion, every good teacher teaches his or her students not only one subject, but also different life lessons. Not all children know what’s good and what’s bad. If I can help them to learn the basics of survival in this life, I’ll gladly do it. I understand that keeping the attention of twenty-five and more children during several lessons requires lots of energy, enthusiasm and dedication. I also understand that this profession doesn’t pay well and isn’t very prestigious nowadays. Nevertheless, when you love your job, it gives you lots of positive emotions. Being a teacher can be very rewarding. All the hard work is paid off with a content smile on a children’s face and their appreciation.
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[smsbil]First of all, I would like to say a few words about the role of books in our life. I think books are our best friends. While reading we have an opportunity to look into the future or into the past. Books form our values and character. Besides, they help us in self-education. What is more important, books teach us to be kind, hard-working, brave and honest and to understand each other better.I’m really fond of reading. Whenever I have got free time I spend it with a book. There are a lot of famous writers in the world known for their wonderful books but my favourite one is “Oliver Twist” written by Charles Dickens in 1838. This is a very sad story with a happy end though. In his novel Dickens wrote about poverty and an unromantic criminal world. The book also exposed the cruelty with which poor children were treated in London at that time.It tells us about an orphan who was born into a life of poverty and misfortune. He came across lots of terrible events in the early years of his life and it can be stated that “he died several times” but the desire to live and to find justice in this world helped him to survive, to reunite with his lost relatives and to finally become happy. In this book a constant struggle of good and evil is described. You can’t help crying when reading it as you start to live the life of the main character. I truly believe that “Oliver Twist” is a masterpiece of English literature.Summing up I want to say that a book is one of the wonders of the world. We must treat them with great care.Если захочешь сократи его