Two weeks ago we went on our exchange trip to England. (ту уикс эˈгоу уи уэнт он ˈaуэр иксˈчейндж трип ту ˈинглэнд.)
We stayed at Springfield School. (уи стейд эт ˈспринˌфилд скул.)
Every morning we had English lessons, and in the evenings we took part in sporting on entertaining activities. (ˈеври ˈмонин уи хэд ˈинглиш ˈлеснз, энд ин зи ˈивнинз уи тук пат ин ˈспотин он ˌентэˈтейнин экˈтивитиз.)
Every day we visited different famous sights of the capital or went on excursions to other cities. (ˈеври дей уи ˈвизитид ˈдифрэнт ˈфеймэс сайтс ов зэ ˈкэпитл о уэнт он иксˈкёшэнз ту ˈазэ ˈситиз.)
We spent a week a London. (уи спент э уик э ˈландэн.)
Everybody enjoyed the trip. (ˈеврибоди инˈджойд зэ трип.)
In the modern world there is a lot of cruelty. For the modern person money became the main meaning of the life. Money can solve any problem.
Simply money always took an important place in society. They are for a long time means of execution of human desires. Unfortunately, these desires in the majority are guilty and primitive.
In a pursuit of comfort and wellbeing people destroy the world round themselves. They already and can't live day without mobile phone, the machine, the TV set. People are sure that without these things their life becomes boring and uninteresting.
The modern people study at universities, walk to sports halls. They want to be smart and the strong. But why they don't aim to become stronger spirit? Why absolutely forget about concepts of moral and morals?