1. It is on the table. 2. She often sends Ben to buy milk. 3. Are they ready to do the work? 4. They spend them at the seaside. 5. He is in the park. 6. They are not at work now. 7. We are good friends. 8. Is he at the lesson now? 9. Where is it? 10. They are on the table. 11. He is in the garden with her. 12. They are always glad to see us. 13. We are good football players. 14. She knows him. 15. I see it very well. 16. They have lectures every day. 17. He plays it every Sunday. 18. He/she asks them. 19. They write them every week. 20. Look at it! 21. I have it at home. 22. Max wants to speak to her.
Bargaining with the greengrocer, the grocer and the butcher so that burned ears, Della have collected only one dollar and eighty-five cents. For these pennies she should buy a Christmas present to her husband Jim.
Jim and Della rent a furnished apartment, which is not that blatant poverty, but rather eloquent poverty. This family had two treasures: the Delly`s luxurious hair, in front of them was darkened all the jewels of the Queen of Sheba, and Jim's gold watch, which would envy king Solomon.
Della stopped near the signs: "all Kinds of hair products". For twenty dollars she sold her treasure and used the money to buy Jim a platinum chain for watch. Preparing a dinner for husband, she prayed to him not to stop loving her with short hair.
Came home, frozen without gloves Jim whether surprised, whether with fear, or anger saw at his wife. No hair, no haircut or another reason can't make Jim stop loving his wife, but he couldn`t realize the fact, that Delly has no more her beauty braids(кос). Finally Jim pulled(вытащил) the bundle(сверток), which was set tortie crests(гребни) with precious stones, that was the subject of a secret desires Delly. In answer she gave to her husband a chain. But her gift, like a Jim`s present had yet to hide, because Jim laid watches to buy wife combs.
The magis men, is the ones who started a fashion to make Christmas gifts, were wise(мудрые) people, and therefore their gifts, were agreed with the right of the exchange(обмена) in case of duplication(непригодности). These two were the wisest(наимудрейшими), because sacrificed(пожертвовали) for each other its greatest treasure.