Нельзя никогда останавливаться , сдаваться когда сто - либо не получается . Все мы не идеальны , но мы должны работать над собой . Ведь если мы сразу оставим всё , что у нас не получается : Мы никогда не достигнем карьерной высоты . Мы должны биться до последнего , и желательно до того : Пока результат не удовлетворит вас. Мы не сдаёмся , значит обязательно дойдём до назначенной цели. You can never stop, give up when something doesn't work out . We are not all perfect , but we must work on ourselves . After all, if we immediately leave everything that we do not succeed : We will never reach a career high . We must fight to the last , and preferably until the result is satisfactory to you. We do not give up, so we will definitely reach the designated goal . Good luck
Dear Sasha!
Hello, how are you?
You write that there are a lot of problems in your family, including misunderstanding between your relatives and quarreling. It seems to you that you are treated badly in your family, so we must pay some attention to your situation.
We understand you. Your life is quite hard. But you see your problem may be solved. We are going to give you a couple of advice. You should arrange a date and meet a psycologist, and, of course, bring all members of your family to his office. Everyone of you must learn how to get alone each other, how to compromise and to find the ways of getting rid of those quarrels between your brothers and sister. You should make your parents listen to you, and tell them every your trouble and problem. Explain them what is wrong with you, ask them to understand your feelings.
We hope everything will get better and your family will finda compromise. We wish you to be patient and happy. Fight for your life and never give up!
A Ruth! You’re back! Did you have a good time?
B No. It was awful.
A Why? What happened?
B We stayed in a really basic apartment, and Tom thought the city was dangerous at night, so we didn’t go out much in the evening.
A What did you do during the day? Did you go sightseeing?
B Yes, we visited all the famous places. But we spent a lot of money on food and we argued a lot about it. Tom bought very expensive souvenirs for all his family! I didn’t buy anything.