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Раскройте скобки. the walked for some time, and then they ( meet ) a cat, ago was ( sit) on the road and ( mew) very sadly. they (ask) the cat what he (do ) there, and he (say) that he ( not know) what to do, because he (get) older and older, and now he (not catch mice as cats usually (do). they (go) off together for a long time, until they (notice) a cock, who (sit) on the fence and (crow) very sadly. the cock (say) he (hide), because he know that some guests (come) soon to his master, and the master ( want) to cook the cool for dinner. so they (go) together to the town or bremen. they (continue) walking all day, and wham night (come), they still (go) alone the road in the darkness. suddenly they (see) a light in the distance, and going in that direction. while they came nearer and nearer, the light (burn) brighter and brighter and got bigger and bigger. at last they understood that it was the light from the window of a small house. when they (reach) the house, the dog (jump) on the back of the ass, the cat (climb) on the back of the dog, and the cock (fly) up on the back of the cat. the cock looking into the window, and his fronds asked him what going on in the room. he (answer) that he (see) a table with lost of food, and several robbers, who (sit) at the table and (enjoy) themselves. the musicians decided to freighter the robbers, and they began singing together. the noise was terrible. the cock (crow), the dog (bark), the cat (mew), and the ass (bray very loudly. the robbers (not understand) what happening, and where the music came from. in fear, they (jump) up and (run) out into the wood. the robbers (wait) for some time, but then decided to return and see what going on in their house. it was dark when they going in. the cat sleeping near the fire-place, but his eyes were open and they (shine) like two little coals. the robbers (think) that some coals (burn) in the fireplace, and they (want) to make a fire from them. but as soon as they came near, the cat (jump? at then, and a terrible fight began: the cat scratch their faces, and the dog (bite) their legs, and the ass (kick) them with his legs. and the cock, who (sit) on the wundow-sill, (crow) loudly all the time. the robbers (rub) out as fast as they could, and ( not return) to the house any more.

The walked for some time, and then they ( met ) a cat, ago was ( sitting) on the road and ( mewing) very sadly. They (asked) the cat what he (was doing ) there, and he (said) that he ( did not know) what to do, because he (was getting) older and older, and now he (could not catch mice as cats usually (do). They (had been going off together for a long time, until they (noticed) a cock, who (was sitting) on the fence and (crowing) very sadly. The cock (said) he (was hiding), because he knew that some guests (would come) soon to his master, and the master ( wanted) to cook the cool for dinner. So they (went) together to the town or Bremen.
They (continued) walking all day, and when the night (came), they were still ( going) alone the road in the darkness. Suddenly they (saw) a light in the distance, and going in that direction. While they were coming nearer and nearer, the light (was burning) brighter and brighter and gotting bigger and bigger. At last they understood that it was the light from the window of a small house. When they (reached) the house, the dog (jumped) on the back of the ass, the cat (climbed) on the back of the dog, and the cock (flew) up on the back of the cat. The cock was looking into the window, and his fronds asked him what was going on in the room. He (answered) that he (saw) a table with lost of food, and several robbers, who (were sitting) at the table and (enjoying) themselves. The musicians decided to frighten the robbers, and they began singing together. The noise was terrible. The cock (was crowing), the dog (barking), the cat (mewing), and the ass (was braying very loudly. The robbers (did not understand) what was happening, and where the music came from. In fear, they (jumped) up and (ran) out into the wood.
The robbers (waited) for some time, but then decided to return and see what was going on in their house. It was dark when they were going in. The cat was sleeping near the fire-place, but his eyes were open and they (were shining) like two little coals. The robbers (thought) that some coals (were burning) in the fireplace, and they (wanted) to make a fire from them. But as soon as they came near, the cat (jumped at them, and a terrible fight began: the cat scratched their faces, and the dog (bit) their legs, and the ass (kicked) them with his legs. And the cock, who (was sitting) on the wundow-sill, (was crowing) loudly all the time. The robbers (ran) out as fast as they could, and (did not return) to the house any more.
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Был прекрасный, солнечный июльский день. Дети отдыхали, купались и загорали. Вдруг подул небольшой ветерок и по небу поползли тяжёлые тучи. Одна туча была очень большой. Она очень устала плыть по небу, и ей захотелось спуститься на землю. Ей ветер, и наша туча начала «худеть». Она стала выпадать на землю дождём. Так началось путешествие нашей капельки, которую звали Капа. Капа быстро начала падать на землю и попала на нос одному мальчугану. Тот от неожиданности резко подскочил и весело запрыгал под дождём. А наша Капа, стукнувшись об нос мальчугана, отскочила и плюхнулась в протекавший мимо ручеёк. Тут она очутилась в кругу множества таких, как она. Капельки были весёлые, озорные, шумные и казалось, что ручеёк говорит. У ручейка был длинный путь, прежде чем попасть в реку. Он протекал через луга и поля. Всем он был нужен: и цветам, и травам, и животным. Но нашей Капе не терпелось попасть в реку. Когда всё-таки она очутилась в реке, то увидела тут много интересного. По реке люди плавали на лодках, катамаранах, купались и ловили рыбу. В реке водилось много разной рыбы. Но Капе оказалось и этого мало. И ей захотелось плыть дальше. Она хотела попасть в море. Пока она плыла к морю, по дороге она видела посёлки, деревни, города, аулы. Подружилась она с многими растениями и животными. Доплыв до моря, Капа очутилась в большой дружной семье. Тут она повстречала своих сестёр и и братьев. Море было огромное, красивое. По нему ходили большие корабли. Капа так залюбовалась одним из кораблей, что не заметила, как очутилась на поверхности воды и начала испаряться и подниматься вверх в виде невидимого пара. В воздухе водяной пар охладился и превратился в мельчайшие капельки воды. И снова на небе образовалось облако. 

Потом ещё несколько раз за лето Капа совершала такое путешествие на землю, чтобы вновь и вновь встретиться с друзьями. Зимой Капа возвращалась на землю в виде снежинок.
4,6(37 оценок)
1. Men prefers to watch science fiction films more, because women do not like since.
2. Yes I can. I can call the film about Robinson Crusoe an adventure films, because it contains the story of the survival of man.
3. I watched "Big Hope Films" and "Some Problem".
4. First film is about a woman who went abroad and lost all the money, and the second film is about a man who lost his family in another country.
5. It seem to me that cinema tickets are expensive nowadays, and usual price for evening shows is more expensive then price for morning shows.
6. I think that the size of a screen is important if I watch a films at the cinema, and a wide screen is better.
7. I agree whith him, because the world of the cinema works wonders.
8. I know the "20th Century Fox" and "Columbia Pictures".
9. I pay attention to the ads and on the genre of the film, when I choose his.
10. I think that it is impossible to watch all the new film
4,8(74 оценок)
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