1 By Wednesday afternoon, Tom four people.
a will have interviewed b will interview c will be interviewed
2 By tomorrow night Jenny four articles.
a will be written b will have written c won't have been writing
3 When the newspaper comes out, they on it for six weeks.
a will work b will have been working c won't have been working
4 They hope that by the end of next week they 2,000 copies.
a will be sold b will have sold c won't have sold
5 Nick hopes that by the end of the year they rich and famous.
a won't become b became c will have become
6 By next month, Amanda articles.
a will have written b will have been writing c will write
She entered the kitchen, (shut) the door, (sat) down to table and poured herself a cup of tea. She closed her eyes. Everything was so quiet/quietly. It was heaven.
Suddenly the door opened and Lester (came) in. “Do you want me to play the flute? I have been practicing since you told me to. Can I?” He heard his mother (gave) a sigh. – “Please, just for one minute.” – “Go on, then.” So Lester played.
He (had just finished) when Laura (came) in and said she (wanted) to read a page from her reading book. – “You let Lester (play) the flute. You like him better than/as me.” – “ Oh, (don't be) silly, Laura,” said Mrs. Large. “Go on, read. Just one page.” So Laura read. A little one (came) in with his toys. He (put) them on the table. – “For you,” he said. – “Thank you,” said Mrs. Large weak/weakly.