1) Destruction of forests, acidification of the oceans, destruction of the ozone layer, future water shortages, waste management.
2) Do not cut down the forests, do not pollute the oceans, start collecting rubbish.
3) Sorting rubbish is a major problem and our country does not do it while developed countries convert rubbish into electricity.
4. Picking up rubbish in the street, saving water
1) Уничтожение лесов,окисление океанов,разрушение озонового слоя , нехватка воды в будущем,утилизация отходов.
2) Не рубить леса, не загрязнять океаны, начать собирать мусор
3) Сортировка мусора- главная проблема,в нашей стране этого не делают в то время как развитые страны делают из мусора электричество.
4. Подбираю мусор на улице, экономлю воду
Present Simple
1) I always go to school (Я всегда хожу в школу).
2) My mother usually cooks pie every Sunday (Моя мама обычно готовит пирог каждое воскресенье).
3) Our children never eat a lot of sweets (Наши дети никогда не едят много конфет).
4) I often do my homework after school (Я часто делаю свое домашнее задание после школы).
5) We like ice-cream (Мы любим мороженое).
Present Continuous
1) She is sleeping now (Она сейчас спит).
2) Mark is drinking tea and Alisha is eating (Марк пьет чай, а Алиша кушает).
3) He isn't writing now (Он не пишет сейчас).
4) Are you working? (Ты работаешь?).
5) They aren't reading this book (Они не читают эту книгу).
They insist on (discussing) this matter at the next meeting
The Seller guarantees (to correct) all the defects within a week.
I look forward to (seeing) you on Friday.
We were not satisfied with the service they provided, so we refused (to pay) them.
Try to ask Mrs. Jenkins for help. She usually doesn’t mind (dealing) with difficult customers. When she finished (speaking/ to speak) she asked if anyone had any questions.
Our profits are up this year, so I expect my boss (to give) me a pay rise.
Would you mind (ringing) me back later today?
Our British partners agreed (to offer) us a 6% discount if we increased our order.