Mike said he had heard a lot of politcal system of the UK,but still had doubts he understood all the duties of MPs. Sarah asked if that was so important in his life.She was interested if he really cared for that. Mike answered he didn't care so much,but he was interested what they might discuss every day. Sarah answered he might use the net to find out what they did in the houses.She also asked if he had tried to. Mike answered he had thought he knew all the details of their work. Sarah answered she did knew something but if he needed any particulars he'd better use the sight of the Parliament and email his questions directly. Mike wondered if it was possible.He hadn't known. Sarah advised him to try and saw the result. Mike thanked a lot and said he would.
Mike said he had heard a lot of politcal system of the UK,but still had doubts he understood all the duties of MPs. Sarah wondered if that was so important in his life.She wanted to know whether he really cared for that. Mike replied that probably he didn't care so much,but he was interested what they might discuss every day. Sarah said he might use the net to find out what they did in the Houses and she wondered whether he had tried to. Mike replied that he had thought Sarah knew all the details of their work. Sarah answered she knew something but if he needed any particulars he'd better use the site of the Parliament and email his questions directly. Mike wanted to know whether it was possible and added he hadn't known. Sarah suggested/recommended trying and he saw the result. Mike thanked and told her he would try.
Where does my friend`s familly live?