1. what time for dinner tonight? is nick and rosa coming nick and rosa are coming do nick and rosa come are nick and rosa coming 2. i in the car now. am waiting wait is waiting 3. take your umbrella. it cats and dogs. rained are raining is raining 4. my dad overtime this week. works are working is working 5. i really snakes after that case. am detesting detest 6. at the moment we over the desert. have flying flied are flying 7. i what you said. am thinking about am thinking think about think 8. look! david and max home. come are coming have come 9. my dog charlie to the park. is running run does run 10. people in gods from the earliest times. believe are believe
2. am waiting
3. is raining
4. is working
5. detest
6. are flying
7. am thinking about
8. are coming
9. is running
10. believe