I have a lot of hobbies and if I had more freetime, I would spend it for playing football, tennis and for thavelling.These are the most interesting activities for me.As for travelling, I can't do it so often in comparison with playing football.I play football every day in summer.In winter when it's too cold,so, I don't have such opportunity, I prefer playing tennis in a very warm place.Also, I can say that hobbies are important for me. Who knows, maybe in future I will have a job in one of this sphere.
У меня очень много хобби, и если бы у меня было больше свободного времени, я бы тратил его на игру в футбол, теннис и на путешествия.Это мои самые любимые занятия.Я не могу сказать, что путешествую так часто, как играю в футбол.Я могу делаю это каждый день летом.Зимой, когда очень холодно, я предпочитаю играть в теннис в приятном теплом месте.Кто знает, может быть в будущем моя профессия будет связана с одной из этих сфер.
1) If you don't go away, I will call the police! 2) I will not wait if he is late again. 3) What will you do if the weather is bad on holiday? 4) If I stay here, I will not be happy. 5) If I am unhappy, I won't work hard. 6) She'll have some German lessons before she goes to Berlin. 7) If Peter rings, tell him I will never see him again. 8) He will be happy if he wins his next match. 9) She won't be able to go until she feels much better. 10) If the bus doesn't come soon, I'll be late for school. 11) I want to speak to him before he will go out.
1) He will phone you tomorrow when he gets home from work. 2) I am very busy now. - Why? What are you doing? 3) Tom is not lazy. He works hard every day. 4) How often do you go to the theatre? 5) We will go to England for our holiday next year. 6) Wait for me! I will come as soon as I finish. 7) You are working hard today! - Yes, I have a lot to do. 8) What does he usually do at weekends? - He usually plays tennis. 9) I am reading a very interesting book at the moment. 10) He is enjouing his holiday. He has a nice room in the hotel.
1) Twenty years ago, school life used to be much interesting. 2) Twenty years ago, school programs used to be different. 3) Twenty years ago, school life used to have other subjects. 4) Twenty years ago, students used to wear different clothes as from now. 5) Twenty years ago, teachers used to be more strict. 6) Twenty years ago, there used to be no gadgets. 7) Twenty years ago, there used to be no gymnasiums. 8) Twenty years ago, students used to get more knowledge. 9) Twenty years ago, students used to come to the 2 lesson. 10) Twenty years ago, students used to be more polite, than now.
Who knows, maybe in future I will have a job in one of this sphere.
У меня очень много хобби, и если бы у меня было больше свободного времени, я бы тратил его на игру в футбол, теннис и на путешествия.Это мои самые любимые занятия.Я не могу сказать, что путешествую так часто, как играю в футбол.Я могу делаю это каждый день летом.Зимой, когда очень холодно, я предпочитаю играть в теннис в приятном теплом месте.Кто знает, может быть в будущем моя профессия будет связана с одной из этих сфер.
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