This article argues that human/dog co-habitation and the interspecies routines of walking, eating, sleeping and the emotions they create, can be fruitfully analyzed through the conceptual frame built from ‘intimacy’ and ‘rhythm’. The rhythmic analytical approach to interspecies routines, including breaks in them and the emotions these breaks create, contributes with a spatio-temporal understanding of human/animal intimacy. As intimacy is inherently a spatial phenomenon, it creates places. Intimate social relations also transform and get transformed by places. ‘Home’ is the typical example, where the iconic emplaced attachment of intimacy with the family is manifested. But the place itself does not create intimacy; instead, it is situationally formed through relations between, in this case, interspecies practices and space. By theorizing auto-ethnographical observations of everyday human/dog routines, the article explores intimacy as a particular social form. Building on recent developments in cultural geography in the field of ‘rhythm analysis,’ it is argued that while intimacy is performed in everyday life, it is foremost produced though 'arrhythmia,' in the moments when the routines are broken.
1) a) My hair are clean.
b) My family is happy.
c) Some people are coming today.
d) The scissors are sharp.
2) a) A boy – boys
b) A knife –knives
c) A fox – foxes
d) A foot –feet
e) A lily - lilys
3) a) Many people want to see this film.
b) He doesn’t drink much coffee.
c) How many sheets of paper do you need?
4) a) Last year we visited Canada and the USA.
b) We went to Spain for our holidays and swam in the Mediterranean Sea.
c) The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
5) a) I didn't arrive home late last night.
b) He won't eat his lunch at 2 p.m.
c) I am not reading a new story.
d) The bus doesn't come at 7 o’clock every morning.
6) a) Is he doing his homework?
b) Will we go to the Black Sea next year?
c) Do you like ice-cream?
d) Did father buy a red car two days ago?
7) a) Are there two wardrobes in the hall?
b) Is there a lamp in your room?
c) Are there ten pears in the bag?
8) a) John likes watching horror films..
b) We walk in the park every evening
c) Children often visit their grandmother
d) Tim goes to work at 6 a.m.
9) a) I had to do my project.
b) Willy didn't can speak German.
c) Mike watched a film yesterday.
10) a) Jane will come to me tomorrow.
b) I'll go to the theatre next week.
c) Irene will start to keep her fit in a week.
11) a) Mother is already cooking dinner.
b) Students are passing the test.
c) My cousin is living in Belfast since 2001.
12) a) I'm learning English since junior school.
b) My mom was born in 1959.
c) He told you about it twice!
13) a) I came back home, but the rain had already stoped.
b) I had washed dishes before my mother returned home.
c) He forgot that he had already paid the bill.
14) a) Mary gave me the book if she had it.
b) You will improve your English skills if you practice more.
c) Mother would have cooked a cake if father hadn’t forgotten to buy eggs.
15) a) Mary said that she was so tired.
b) Jerry said that they had bought a car yesterday.
c) Jim said that Mark had already done his homework.
d) Mom said that she was cleaning the house.
e) Chris said that he would help me tomorrow.
16) a) A cake was cooked mother.
b) Pictures are drew children.
c) A boat will be bought father.
17) 1) b
2) a
3) b
4) c
5) a
6) b
7) a
18) 1. b
2. a
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. b
2 you believe
3 isn't travelling
4 I will return
5 did you clean
6 I will come
7 I didn't have
8 I have been wearing
9 I was making
10 We have written
11 I had already had a bath
12 if it doesn't rain
13 if I were you