Gumilev combined in him self courage, ability, to make a prediction, for the future, childish curiousity for the world and passion for travelling. This features of personality and abilites, the poet could put in poetic form. Gumilev liked the exotical, beautiful places. The poet would like wants to distract the reader from the sad thoughts. Gumilev offers the reader to loock at world an another way, uderstand, that "a lot of wonderful see the Earth" and the human if desired is able to see the same!
I have been playing Я играю We have been playing Мы играем Утвердительные предложения: You have been playing Вы играли You have been playing Вы играли He / she / it has been playing Он / она играет They have been playing Они играли
Вопросительные предложения:
Have I been playing? Я играю? Have we been playing? Мы играем? Have you been playing? Вы играете? Has he / she / been playing?Он / она / играл? Have they been playing? Они играют?
Отрицательные предложения:
1I have not been playing 2We have not been playing 3You have not been playing 4You have not been playing 5He / she / it has not been playing 6 They have not been playing 1Я не играю 2Мы не играл 3Вы не играл 4Вы не играл 5Он / она / оно не играл 6Они не были играть