Tula, Russia October 27th 2015 Hi, Richard. First of all I would like to exuse for my long-time silence. I'm also thank you for your reply and for your response to my letter in time. It is so pleasant, you know. Answering your question about theme parks. I think they are wierd yet not without their charm. Anyway I only was in one of them. It was last year in the summer. It called "Patriot" and represents many armored vehicles of all possible sorts. It is in Kubinka not really far from Moscow and it is more a museum rather than a real theme park. There is no entertainments, not much people but I liked it. It was as I've touched a History. All other parks I ever saw were just parks' you know. Carousels, hot-dogs, competition areas and all such stuff. I don't like them either. Please write me more about your living. Good luck! Your buddy and pen-friend,
Мой любимый музей - это музей "Арсенал", музей Великой Отечественной войны. Арсенал это цех бывшей суконной фабрики построенный в 1774 — 1777 гг., принадлежал Гарденинам, купцам, после их разорения был продан городским властям. Представлена экспозиция посвящена Великой Отечественной войне. Музей представляет — подлинные орудия Великой Отечественной, фотографии, агитационные материалы 1941-1945 годах, письма и документы времён войн. Музей занимает 25 место в списке 175 лучших развлечениях Воронежа.