spoon [spu: n] (спун)
fork [fo: k] (фок)
I didn't have enough money. I didn't take a taxi.
If I had had enough money,I would have took a taxi
2. I wasn't interested in the film. I didn't go to the cinema.
If I had interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema
If we hadn't took the wrong turning we wouldn't have arrived late.
Romeo wouldn't have committed suicide if he hadn't thought juliet was dead
5. Oliver was punished. He asked for more food.
If Oliver hadn't asked for more food, he wouldn't have punished
6. The building had weak foundations. It fell down.
The building wouldn't have fell down if it hadn't had weak foundation
7. I didn't go downstairs. I was afraid of the dark.
I might have gone downstairs if I hadn't afraid of the dark
8. You didn't run fast. You didn't come first.
You could have come first if you had run fast
9. I didn't know she was the examiner. I made a silly joke.
I wouldnt have made a silly joke if i had known she was the examiner
10. She didn't have a car. She couldn't have driven there.
If she had had a car, she could have driven there
It’s the best cake I've ever had.
The more you exercise, the fitter you'll become.
She knows you better than I do.
She is the least ambitious person in the team.
It was cheaper than we expected.
Josh is the most handsome of all.
I like this salad more than that one.
2.выбрать правильное слово
That's the biggest shark I've ever seen.
A cat can jump higher than a dog.
Who is taller? Mary or Kate?
Which is hotter,Antarctica or Australia?
I'm not strong enough to stay out of this situation
We can’t put a table on our porch, because it’s too big
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