Извините. Не могли бы вы сказать, когда кормят львов и тигров? Да, конечно. Их будут кормить в 4 часа. А как насчет обезьян? Некоторые из них уже покормлены, но в 3 часа будет чаепитие. Чаепитие? Боюсь, я не понимаю. Обезьянам накрывают стол, чай, чашки и печенье. О, детям это понравится. Да, всем детям это нравится. Я хотел бы знать, что дают морским львам. Когда наступает время кормления, рыбу бросают одну за другой им в рот. За каждым морским львом тщательно присматривают. Теперь морских львов будут кормить. Большое Пойдем! Быстрее, а то опоздаете. They will be fed at 4 o`clock. Some were already fed. The monkeys are given a table, a pot of tea, cups and biscuits. I would like to know what the sea-lions are given. When feeding time comes, fish are thrown one by one into their mouths. Each sea-lion is watched very carefully. The sea-lions will be fed now.
Young people don't like to go to canteen, because it is not fashionable. But they like to go to the bars that usually sell fast foods.They don't like the canteen because there iis only health food.Famous univercities of all over the world often have health food for breakfast,dinner,supper and they never offer fast food. Young people especially teenagers like hamburgers hot dogs and candis. Also they won’t sit in a dirty or not modern institution. Food must be tasty and beautifully framed.Menu should be executed beautifully and tastefully. The prices should be acceptable. GooD Luck4;-)
My car is blue . People are very rude. I am a good pupil. You are doctor
These girls were students . This cat was there . He was a great scientist