Строительство Парка 1000-летия Ярославля на берегу Которосли, на месте бывшего ипподрома, началось в 2009 году.[2]
Финансирование парка осуществлялось за счёт средств из городского бюджета, а также сторонних инвесторов. 14 сентября 2009 года в парке появились первые деревья, в посадке которых участвовали Валентина Терешкова и Борис Грызлов.[2] Открытие парка состоялось 9 сентября 2010 года, за день до начала юбилейных торжеств.[3] На территории парка установлен подарок городу от Зураба Церетели, скульптура символа города — медведя вроде так
7. They must do the work, mustn't they?
8. You will write to me, won't you?
9. He gives a lesson every day, doesn't he?
10. You read modern writers, don't you?
11. They gave her a clock, didn't they?
12. You went to the theatre,didn't you?
13. I wrote to you, didn't I?
14. He speaks english, doesn't he?
15. She has done her homework, hasn't she?
16. Hob must work harder, musn't he?
17. My friend plays football, doesn't he?
18. Bob sang a song, didn't he?
19. She doesn't like coffe, does she?
20. He enjoys reading, doesn't he?
21. You can play the guitar, can't you?
22. They travelled a lot last summer, didn't they?
23. Those women are doctors, aren't they?
24. We can have a party on Sundays, can't we?
25. The children are not at home, are they?
26. Mrs Adams speaks German, doesn't she?
27. Tom spent his holidays in France, didn't he?