1.Unfortunately, these issues aren't being touched upon during that conferension. 2.Who told you, that the agreement is sighed. 3. It is being spoken in English only. 4. She is allowed to do sport. 5. The visitots are received every day. 6. Betty isn't allowed to come home. 7. We have been taken care badly in a hospital. 8. Is it sent after him already? - Yes, he was called and told to come at eight. 9. A new cinema is being built on our street. 10. Don't say that, otherwise, you will be laughed. 11. I haven't been told about it yet. 12. Will we drive to the city, if it's rain? -Yes, we have to drive there. We are waited. 13.This building has just been built when we drove here. 14. The work was done by the evening. 15. When we came back, we were told a lot of interesting news.
Мой любимый момент в фильме Гарри Потер и Тайная Комната, начинается незадолго до конца фильма. Когда Главный герой сражается против змеи и Тома Ридлла. Их сражение было действительно захватывающим. В мой первый просмотр, я очень волновался о главном герое и радовался его победе.
My favourite moment in the movie Harry Potter and the Secret Room, begins shortly before the end of the movie. When the Main character battles against a snake and Tom Ridll. Their battle was really fascinating. In my first viewing, I very much worried about main character and rejoiced in his victory.