I think that a good teacher should be tolerant of his disciples, to love everyone, even the worst. he must cultivate in his student this gentleman. teacher should be interesting and humorous. because the children have to sit with an interest in lessons and listen carefully, and not sleeping at the table. I also think the ideal teacher should explain his subject well. I think that every teacher in my school are good
я думаю что хороший учитель должен терпимо относиться к своим ученикам, любить каждого, даже самого плохого. он должен воспитать в своем ученике настоящего благородного человека. учитель должен быть интересным и с чувством юмора. потому что дети должны с интересом сидеть на уроках и внимательно слушать, а не спать за столом. еще я думаю идеальный учитель должен хорошо объяснять свой предмет. я думаю что каждый учитель в моей школе хороший
Nowadays a huge ammount of money are spent on maintaning zoos. Some people think that it is not very effective while others belive that the residents of big cities can not do without them.
Firstly, animals are fed good for theire health food which they used to eating in the wild : fresh meat for beast of prey, fruits and fish for those who come from the Jungles. Beides if an animal falls ill, it will always get obtain necessesary medical care. Moreover endendered animals have a chance of surviving. Unfortionatly more and more species are getting instinked. And zoos may be the only place where little ones can watch the wild animals alive.
However, many people consider that animals in the zoos can not feel comfortable and haelthy living in captivity and even are nit able to bring off-spring. But I belive if they lived in the wild a grate number of species would not be able to survive. Inspite of measure being taken the situation is gettin even worse and worse. Without human assistance many species will disapear.
All in all zoos are appear to be extremly expensive. Howevere, keeping animals in the zoos will prove to be beneficial in the future and the expensies is worse benefiting.
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