1) The potential regional or global instability due to the interdependence of national economies in the global level. Local economic fluctuations or crises in one country can have regional or even global consequences.
2)Fears that the control of the economy of individual countries can go from the sovereign governments of the most powerful states, multinational or global corporations and international organizations.
3)The contradiction between the rich and poor countries. Opponents of globalization consider axiomatic that benefit from her rich countries. As a result, there are calls for the West to "share" the wealth and technology, to forgive debts, etc. These calls are supported and on the West, and therefore, in some areas, there was such a state of affairs which it is possible to interpret as concessions or philanthropy .
This summer holidays I'm planning to spend as many times as possible with my friends and my family. I want to make the best of my summer vacations. I will go to different parts of our country and also I will play many different kind of games with my friends . I will also enjoy my time with my family, like playing games, going on different excursion, doing sports together. The moral aim of my vacation is to get more closer with the people I love and care for. Additionally I will also go to extra courses and be ready for the upcoming year, because I know that the elder I get the harder the lessons will become.
Описание внешности для девочки:
I am quite tall and slim. I have got long straight dark hair. My face is round, my eyes are brown. I've got a straight nose and thin lips.
I'm wearing a white and blue blouse, a dark blue skirt and black shoes.
Я довольно высокая и стройная. У меня длинные прямые темные волосы. Мое лицо круглое, глаза карие. У меня прямой нос и тонкие губы.
Я одета в бело-голубую блузку, темно-синюю юбку и черные туфли.
I'm not tall. I have got short curly fair hair. My face is oval, my eyes are blue. I've got a straight nose and a small mouth.
I'm wearing a blue dress and black shoes.
Я невысокого роста. У меня короткие кудрявые светлые волосы. Мое лицо овальное, глаза голубые. У меня прямой нос и маленький рот.
Я одета в синее платье и черные туфли.
Примерное описание внешности для мальчика:
I'm not very tall. I have got short wavy fair hair and an oval face. I have got big brown eyes and a small nose.
I'm wearing a white shirt and a grey suit.
Я не очень высокий. У меня короткие волнистые светлые волосы и овальное лицо. У меня большие карие глаза и маленький нос.
Я одет в белую рубашку и серый костюм.