1. Did you go to cinema 5 days ago? -Yes, I did. It was stunning film.
2. What did you say? -I said that I loved you.
3. How many money did you spend? -I spend a lot of money for preparation to school days.
4. Where did you buy these books? -I bought them in shop opposite school.
5. Did you see a football match on last week? -No, I didn't. I was busy with school.
6. Did you know about Math test? -No, it was surprise for me!
7. Did they come in time? -Yes, they were on time. No minute more.
8. How did you understand this exercise? -My parents helped me.
9. What did you do yesterday? -Yesterday I was busy with my project.
10. When did you go to gym? -I went to gym 3 days ago.
1. Did you go to cinema 5 days ago? -Yes, I did. It was stunning film.
2. What did you say? -I said that I loved you.
3. How many money did you spend? -I spend a lot of money for preparation to school days.
4. Where did you buy these books? -I bought them in shop opposite school.
5. Did you see a football match on last week? -No, I didn't. I was busy with school.
6. Did you know about Math test? -No, it was surprise for me!
7. Did they come in time? -Yes, they were on time. No minute more.
8. How did you understand this exercise? -My parents helped me.
9. What did you do yesterday? -Yesterday I was busy with my project.
10. When did you go to gym? -I went to gym 3 days ago.
watch – watched – watchedПри этом:Если основа глагола оканчивается на согласную и -y, то y меняется на -i:cry – cried – criedЕсли основа оканчивается на -e, то после прибавления -ed пишется только одна буква -e:translate – translated – translatedЕсли основа оканчивается на ударную краткую гласную и согласную после нее, то во 2 и 3 форме согласная в конце слова удваивается:admit – admitted –admitted
slip – slipped – slippedПримечание:В британском английском, если эта конечная согласная -l, то она удваивается независимо от ударения:to travel – travelledНеправильные глаголыВ английском языке есть также группа глаголов, для которых вторая и третья форма образуются особым образом. Их называют неправильными английскими глаголами.Можно выделить несколько основных образования форм неправильных глаголов:Прибавление окончания -t или -d с изменением или сохранением гласной в корне:burn – burnt – burnt
keep – kept – keptЗамена конечной -d на -t:spend – spent – spent
send – sent – sentИзменение корневой гласной во 2-ой форме и сохранение или изменение корневой гласной с добавлением окончания -e(n):write – wrote – written
drive – drove – drivenСовпадение всех трех форм:cost – cost – cost
put – put – put