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26.05.2020 03:42 •  Английский язык

Образец: my little sister thinks maths is more difficult than history. с переводом. 2. this student is (bright) in the school. 3. this year i have .. (easy) subjects in my timetable than i had last year. 4. this student has .. (funny) nickname in the class. 5. our english language teacher is ) teacher in the world. 6. for me literature is (interesting) than maths. 50 !

This student is the most bright in the school.
This year i have more easy subjects in my timetable than i had last year.
 This student has the funny nickname in the class.
 Our English language teacher is the best teacher in the world.
For me Literature is more interesting than Maths.
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1) Исчисляемые: cat, box, year, party, day, man
Неисчисляемые: money, furniture, traffic, juice. 

II. Заполните пропуски артиклями а/an или the, где необходимо, или неопределенными местоимениями some/any. Переведите предложения.
1. Would you like an apple or grapes?
2. I'd like a chicken sandwich and cheese for lunch.
3. I don't eat biscuits.
4. Do you have brothers or sisters?
5. Some people like flying, but other people don't.
6. What's the name of the restaurant we went to last night?
7. She has three children, two girls and a boy.The girls are twins.
8. Is there any butter on the plate? Yes, there is some.
9. The water in that glass is very cold.
10. When water freezes, it turns into ice.
11. I come to school by bus.
12. This morning the bus was late.
13. My favorite subject is history, but I'm not very good at maths.

III. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола to be.
1. There is little coffee in my cup. 
2. There is a lot of salt in the soup.
3. There are a lot of roses in the garden, but there are few tulips there.

IV. Определите, является ли 's показателем притяжательного падежа существительных или глаголом. Переведите предложения.
1. Bob's a student. - Нет, не показатель. Боб - студент.
2. Bob's friends live not far from his house. - да, притяжательный. Друзья Боба живут недалеко от его дома.
3. It's very important to know a foreign language. - Нет, не притяжательный. Очень важно знать иностранный язык

V. Замените существительные и местоимения в скобках местоимениями в соответствующем падеже.
1. I saw him yesterday but he didn't see me.
2. It started two hours ago.
3. She has two children. She is taking her children to the Zoo.
4. I invited her to the party but she couldn't come.
5. I like them. They are very nice persons. I often go to see them. Their son is a charming baby.
6. Don't take it, its leg is broken.

VI. Перепишите, письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
1. One must keep in mind this rule. - Каждый должен помнить об этом правиле/Следует помнить об этом правиле. 
2. Our methods of work are more efficient than the ones used by your team. - Наши методы работы более эффективны, чем те, которые использует ваша команда.
3. One must do one's duty. - Каждый должен выполнять свой долг. 

VII. Напишите данные цифры и дату словами.
1 - One, 12 - Twelve, 2/3 two thirds, 506 - five hundred six, 24 августа 1956 г - twenty fourth of august, nineteen fifty six.

VIII. Определите, какие из данных слов существительные, прилагательные и наречия.
low - прилагательное, lovely - и прилагательное, и наречие, kindly - наречие, faculty - существительное, bad - прилагательное, hard - прилагательное, today - существительное, sunny - и прилагательное, и наречие, independence - существительное, independent - прилагательное.

IX. Выберите правильную степень сравнения. Переведите предложения.
1. It's colder today than it was yesterday.
a) cold b) colder c) the coldest
2. Their house is about three times as big as ours.
a) big b) bigger c) the biggest
3. She is a very good player. She is the best player in the team.
a) good b) better c) the best

X. Заполните пропуски предлогами
1. He likes playing football with his sons on weekends.
2. They live in the village by the sea.
3. Please, come to my party on Saturday.
4. He studies at home of his father.
5. I go to work by bus and I'm at work until 5.30 p.m. everyday.

XI. Найдите правильные и неправильные глаголы:
fall - неправильный (fall - fell - fallen),
sit - неправильный (sit - sat - sat),
love - правильный,
laugh - правильный,
smile - правильный,
learn - правильный,
study - правильный,
discover - правильный,
confuse - правильный,
take - неправильный (take - took - taken). Напишите три формы неправильных глаголов.

XII. Определите время и залог сказуемого, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Houses are built very quickly now. - настоящее простое/пассивный. В настоящее время дома строятся очень быстро. 
2. In this street houses are modern and attractive. - настоящее простое/активный. На этой улице дома современные и красивые.
3. The doctor has been sent for. - настоящее перфектное/пассивный. За доктором уже послали.
4. The doctor has a lot of patients. - Настоящее/активный. У доктора много пациентов
простое/пассивный - Я родился в 1970 году.

ХШ. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях - согласование времен.
1. Peter did not want to go to the cinema because he had already seen the film. - Питер не хотел идти с нами в кино, потому что уже видел фильм раньше. 
2. I said that I would bring my coin collection. - Я сказал, что принесу свою коллекцию монет.
3. I was surprised that she lived in the same house. - Я был удивлен, что она жила в том же доме. 
4,4(52 оценок)

Вводная фраза: Well, I would like to start with a general description.

Что изображено: This photo (picture) shows a seaside resort (морской курорт) in summer. The weather is hot that’s why the beach is full of people.

Детали: There are no clouds in the sky and it looks light blue. Аs for the sea, it is a bit rough, I can see the waves, so the light wind is probably blowing.

In the foreground just a bit to the right there is a big merry-go-round. I can guess that a lot of children are riding horses there. They may be laughing, shouting, in other words, they are having fun.

Another kind of attraction is situated to the left of the first one. It looks smaller and at first sight you can suppose that it is a merry-go-round, too. But if you look closer, you can see that it might be a kiosk with some food or souvenirs because people are standing around probably looking for something to buy.

The beach is very crowded. The people are lying on the sand and swimming in the sea.

Не забудьте о заднем фоне: In the background I can make out the outline of a white pier (пирс) which stands out against the blue sky.

Заключение: As for me, I have enjoyed a lot describing this cheerful picture. This sunny beach makes me feel optimistic because in a few weeks I hope I will be enjoying swimming in the sea, too.


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