1. Где легче найти предметы - в чистой комнате или в грязной?
Easier to find things in a clean room. (Легче найти в чистой комнате)
2. Ты можешь легко находишь вещи, которые тебе нужны в твоей комнате?
Yes, I can./ No, I can't. (Да, могу. / Нет, не могу)
3. Твои родители и друзья думают, что ты "чистюля"?
Yes, they do./ No, they don't (Да./Нет.)
4. Какую работу по дому ты больше всего не любишь делать?
/Свой ответ./
5. Какая работа по дому меньше всего требует ума?
/Свой ответ./
6. Вы делаете работу по дому со всеми другими членами семьи? Кто обычно ее делает?
/Свой ответ./
7. Кто больше всего делает работу по дому?
/Свой ответ./
He loves engines. And certanly I, too, should have fallen in love with engines and automobiles. Don't forget that even before I could walk, the workshop had been my playroom. My father had put me there so that he could keep an eye on me all day long. My toys were springs and pistons that lay around all over the place, and these, I can promise you, had been far more fun playing with than most of the plastic toys most children are given nowadays. When I grew older and was five years old, my father had been talking to me about school. He had laid a hand on my sholder. "I want you to become a great mechanic. You have learned a lot already. But when you grow up, I hope you will become a great engineer, a man who will make better engines for automobiles and airplanes. For that you will need a really good education."
1. Do you like to eat pancakes on Sundays? Yes, I do / No, I don't
2. Do workers build new houses every year? Yes, they do / No, they don't
3. Does your mother often buy you books? Yes, she does / No, she doesn't
4. Does your cat catch mice? Yes, it does / No, it doesn't
1. Do you like to eat pancakes or cakes on Sundays?
2. Do workers build new houses or roads every year?
3. Does your mother often buy you books or newspapers?
4. Does your cat catch mice or rats?
1. What do you like to eat on Sundays?
2. What do workers build every year?
3. What does your mother often buy you?
4. What does your cat catch?
1. I don't like to eat pancakes on Sundays.
2. Workers don't build new houses every year.
3. My mother doesn't often buy me books.
4. My cat doesn't catch mice.