The person that I admire Stephen William Hawking. He was born on 8th January 1942, in Oxford, England. Stephen is famous for his work on the basic laws of the universe. He is also famous for the way he copes with having Motor Neuron Disease. as far as I know, Stephen studied Physics at University College, Oxford. The reason I admire him is because he is very intelligent and brave. I respect him for never giving up on life. When I think of him, I know that anything is possible as long as you really want it and work hard to achieve it.
Заполните пробелы, используя следующие глаголы: повторно сидеть, сдавать, терпеть неудачу, пересматривать
A: Привет, Тара, я так счастлива. Я (1)
все мои экзамены. Я даже получил пятёрку по английскому!
B: Я не так уж плохо, но я (2)
биология. Значит, мне придется (3)
следующий семестр.
A: О нет, мне очень жаль. Вы потратили много лет на биологию, не так ли? Что случилось?
B: Ну, думаю, я просто не знал (4)
достаточно трудно. Может, получу в следующий раз.
Я точно не знаю что ты хотел
1 Larry looks great for his age.
2 The boy seems too tired to walk any further.
3 Anna says she feels great after her holiday at the seaside.
4 The pie tastes good, thank you.
5 It's getting hot, let's open the window.
6 His story sounds interesting.
7 The kettle is still hot to the touch.
8 Does the soup taste good?
9 You look very elegant. Where are you going?
10 Your little brother seems quite happy.
11 The song is too quiet, I do not understand the words.
12 What kind of dish is this? It smells so delicious.