1. Horror story a) She waved her magic wand and suddenly the frog turned into a handsome prince
2. Love story b) He woke to see a shadowy figure in medieval clothes walking across the room. He went cold and tried to call out, but could not speak.
3. Detective story c) “Darling!” she whispered “I’ve waited all my life for you”
4. Ghost story d) The spaceship lowered itself into this red powdery planet which appeared to have people, no animals and no oxygen but which had a series of underground cities.
5. Fairy tale e) Watson looked first at Holmes and then at the gun on the table.
“I know who did it”, he said calmly.
6. Science fiction f) They set off on their way at down. The caves were not far away but the journey seemed long by horseback.
7. Adventure story g) Slowly, he opened the door and looked inside the room. The portrait on the wall ha a changed. It was now a mass of tangled branches and blood. He let out a loud scream and ran down the stairs.
2. The parrot is smaller than the turkey. The humming bird is the smallest of the three birds - Попугай меньше, чем индюшка. Колибри - самая маленькая из трёх птиц.
3. The dog is smarter than the horse. The monkey is the smartest of the three animals. - Собака умнее, чем лошадь. Обезьяна - самая умная из 3х животных.
4. The alligator is more dangerous than the whale. The Shark is the most dangerous of the three animals. - Аллигатор опаснее, чем кит. Акула самая опасная из трех животных.
5. The alligator is heavier than the ostrich. The giraffe is the heaviest of the three animals. - Аллигатор тяжелее страуса. Жираф - самый тяжелый из трех животных.
6. The lion is more beautiful than the bear. The fox is the most beautiful of the three animals. Лев красивее, чем медведь. Лиса - самая красивая из трех животных.
7. The parrot is a better friend than the elephant. The dog is the best friend of the three animals. - Попугай более хороший друг, в сравнении co слоном. Собака - самый лучший друг из 3х животных.
8. The crocodile is a worse monster than the snake. The shark is the worst monster of the three animals - Крокодил более ужасный монстр, по сравнению со змеёй. Акула - самый ужасный монстр из 3х животных.
On top of the stick with the leaf color green as the branch on which it grew.
And he grew up in the summer in the garden with my grandmother, and he was the first green as a stick with leaves, as the branch on which it grew.
Then the yellow was, as the rays of the sun that kept him warm.
But as he arrived - he became red and the right and left and was thwarted me.